Maritime and Rock & Pop with Antiques & Collectors' Items (Liverpool)(#221) 06/04/2022 10:00 AM GMT+1 CLOSED Auction Information Liverpool Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Glass Jewellery Records, LPs, 78s, etc Sporting Furniture Coins Maritime Works Of Art Metalware Comic Books and Memorabilia Stamps Lighting Moorcroft Silver Musical Instruments & Mechanical Music Binoculars & Scopes Collectors' Items Maritime Pictures Bronze and Other Sculptures Watches: Wristwatches Film and TV Memorabilia Ephemera Mirrors Doulton Plated Items Textiles & Clothing Scientific Instruments General Clocks: Wall Clocks Decorative Arts Watches: Pocket Watches Rock & Pop Ephemera, Autographs, etc Books Automobilia Ceramic Figures Militaria: Medals, Badges & Buttons Paintings Photography Maritime Collectables Clocks: Longcase Clocks Asian Art: Oriental & Eastern Works of Art Jewellery: Costume Jewellery Rock and Pop Memorabilia Sporting: Football Garden and Architectural Ceramics Militaria Prints, Etchings, Engravings & Maps Toys & Games: Toys Maritime Ephemera Clocks: Mantel clocks Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 97-144 of 1493. View Lot 94 An Art Deco wall mirror with lozenge-shaped clear bevelled glass centre, with partial border of pale green and dark green bevelled glass panels, approx 47 x 82cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportSeveral chips to the corners and one piece loose but present. Lot 95 A 1970s/80s pop culture decorative mirror, the long rectangular plain mirror held with end caps mounted on white plastic coated wire back, with coloured ball ends, the mirror 30 x 122cm, frame size 56 x 131cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 96 A mid-20th century rectangular wall mirror, with reverse cut floral decoration within a bevel scalloped edge, held with clips on wooden back, 38 x 68cm, together with a wall-mounted Barbola-style mirror, with bevel edged circular mirror under top floral pelmet, held with clips on wood back, diameter 30cm (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportThe first mirror has some of the backing showing through. There are scratches to both mirrors and signs of slight chips to the bevel edges. Lot 97 A rectangular bevel edged wall mirror in a gilt frame, with embossed floral decoration to the corners, 35.5 x 46cm, together with a reproduction concave circular mirror in a circular feather and scroll frame, diameter 45cm (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 98 A stained pine standard lamp with tapering column to stepped circular support and bun feet, height 154cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 99 A mid-20th century rocket floor standing lamp with orange cylindrical shade, on three tapering wooden supports, height 113cm (af). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportCrack to shade. There are several holes where the supports have been pushed into the body, but the pieces are still present and could possibly be repaired. The two cracks run half way round. Lot 100 A pair of Habitat opaque white mushroom table lamps, height approx 26cm, an opaque modern glass globe lamp, height approx 16cm, a white one-piece opaque glass table lamp, height approx 26cm, a modern blue desk lamp and a metal framed modern desk lamp, height approx 50cm (6). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportNot tested, no guarantee of working order. All lamps have had plugs removed. Lot 101 A vintage brown Anglepoise desk lamp, height when extended 108cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSold electrically untested, no guarantee of working order. Lot 102 A vintage-style brass-effect desk lamp with glass shade, a pair of brass oil lamps converted to electricity, and one other four-branch gilt metal table lamp with brocade trim shade, height of tallest 62cm (4). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 103 A set of eight gilt wood two-branch wall sconces with scrolling acanthus leaf decoration, height 42cm (8). View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportSold electrically untested, largely in ok condition with some splits visible to the arms, in a rather dusty condition, some of the faux wax slips are ,missing and some of the bulb holders are loose from the sconces. Lot 104 A pair of wall lights in the form of brass coach lights with eagle finials, eight glass panelled sides and a bayonet bulb fitting to the inside, height to top of eagle 35cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThese have not been tested and require rewiring. Lot 105 A pair of gilded cherubic three-branch wall sconces with ivy leaf decoration, height approx 35cm (2). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportBoth are in a rather worn condition with losses to the gilt finish throughout, sold electrically untested. Lot 106 A pair of 20th century Chinese lamps in the form of yellow ground square-sided vases with tapered necks and decorated with enamelled floral decoration, on square wooden bases and with green fabric square shades, height of lamp excluding shade approx 43cm (2). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportNot tested, no guarantee of working order. Lot 107 Three vintage light fittings comprising a wagon wheel style example with six wooden light fittings, suspended on a chain, diameter approx 56cm, a cranberry glass three-branch electrolier and a similar wooden electrolier (3). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSED Lot 108 An early 20th century eight day mantel clock, the dial set with Roman numerals, 24 x 33cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 109 An early 20th century mahogany Napoleon mantel clock, the silvered dial set with Arabic numerals and enclosing a movement striking on a coil, the case with mother of pearl and tulip wood inlaid decoration, height approx 23.5cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 110 A 19th century eight day longcase clock, arched painted dial, chapter ring set with Arabic and Roman numerals with subsidiary seconds hand and date aperture, inscribed 'TS Moseley, Neath', the mahogany case with ebonised and satinwood stringing, broken swan neck pediment above wrythen twist pilasters, short door flanked by canted edges and raised on bracket feet, height 227cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Condition ReportOverall good condition, possibly recently refurbished, there are various splits visible to the veneer, the top section of the right hand swan neck pediment appears to be missing the uppermost section. Further splits throughout the body, ticks when wound, but no guarantee as to working order Lot 111 CHARLES BLANCHARD, LONDON; a George II mahogany eight day longcase clock with caddy moulded hood above arched brass dial with rolling moon phase, subsidiary dial, date aperture, inscribed Charles Blanchard of London above a cross banded door, plinth base and squat ogee bracket feet, height 227cm. View details Estimate£600 - £800Winning Bid£400StatusCLOSED Lot 112 JOHN TAYLOR OF PETWORTH; a c1790 pine cased cottage-style longcase clock, the moulded cornice above square glazed door, flanked by turned quarter pilasters, enclosing a square brass dial with silvered chapter ring set with Roman numerals and a five-minute track, the inner silvered dial marked 'Taylor Petworth' (John) and decorated with columns, swags and floral patterns, with pierced corner brass spandrels, single weight thirty-hour movement striking on a bell, height approx 206cm, diameter of d View details Estimate£250 - £350Winning Bid£200StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 113 A 19th century mahogany banjo barometer, the silvered dial signed 'V Zanetti, Market Street, Manchester', with thermometer above and in a case surmounted by a swan neck pediment and Neo-Classical style urn, height 109cm. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 114 SCHMECKENBECHER; a reproduction mahogany cased chiming bracket clock with brass dial, dome top, ormolu acorn finials, gilt metal quarter columns, on gilt bracket feet, height to top of handle approx 45cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Lot 115 A Victorian painted truncheon, possibly Naval related, marked for 'District 6 No.25', with painted anchor above a castle, with the words 'Nisi Dominus Frustra' in a belted garland around the castle (possible Edinburgh interest), painted crown over 'V.R.', with unpainted ring turned handle, length 47cm. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 116 A Victorian wooden truncheon with applied painted crown over 'VR', with ring turned handle and grip, with varnished appearance, length approx 42cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 117 Police memorabilia and commemorative ware comprising two mid-20th century turned wooden truncheons, a cased National Service Medal 1939-1960 with miniature, a cased Cold War commemorative medal 1945-1991, with miniature, a cased Special Constabulary Medal awarded to Maher, an enamelled H.M. Armed Forces veteran cap badge, a pair of Merseyside Police Traffic Division enamelled cufflinks, and a 1961 Safe Driving Competition five years driver's award medal. View details Estimate£70 - £100Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 118 Two wooden truncheons, one an early 20th century example with painted crown above 'GR' and turned handle, with a varnished finish, length approx 39cm, the other a one-piece plain example without decoration, with ring turned handle and hole for strap, length 37cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 119 Seven walking sticks and swagger sticks of various plain form, to include one walking stick with white metal top, engraved with initials 'HI', two plain walking sticks, two swagger sticks, one with white metal top and crest for 'Birkenhead School O.T.C.', the other with a ball handle marked 'The Royal Scots' and two yard sticks, one a folding double yard example (7). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 120 Three early 20th century bamboo-style walking canes with hallmarked silver caps to the crook-shaped handles, one with silver ferrule, together with a hallmarked silver handled walking stick of tapered form, length each approx 90cm (4). View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 121 Two African-style walking canes, one made of sections of water buffalo horn, separated by aluminium discs and with pharaoh's head handle, length approx 93cm, the other a plain carved tapered stick with African head handle, length approx 84cm (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSED Lot 122 A silver topped bamboo-effect walking stick and a further silver topped bamboo-effect umbrella, marks rubbed (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSED Lot 123 A William IV painted wooden truncheon, with blue/green ground, 'WR IV' under gilt crown, over 'DN61', on turned tapered unpainted handle, length 39cm. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Condition ReportAge-related wear in the form of surface scratches, some dents, some fading of colour, but images on truncheon still good. No major splits, cracks or restoration. Lot 124 Three French vintage white telephones (3). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Lot 125 A collection of five vintage pipes to include a Meerschaum pipe in case depicting a nautical gentleman, the head of a Middle Eastern gentleman, a carved wood Native American example and two others (5). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 126 Two vintage Bakelite telephones, one inscribed to the front, 'Standard London, Made In England', the other embossed to the reverse, 'GEC' and bearing hand written paper label inscribed 'Chester 677817' (2). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 127 Various smoking-related collectibles to include and Art Deco brass and faux tortoiseshell cigarette case, with built-in lighter and pocket watch, 13 x 8.5cm, long and short chrome plated cigarette cases and eight pocket lighters to include a small brass example, a novelty example in the form of a pistol, etc (11). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 128 A late 18th/early 19th century horn snuff mull with hinged white metal lid, height approx 7.5cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Lot 129 Various mixed collectibles to include pocket lighters, table lighters, including Flick Hilton, Colibri and other examples, an Old England ladies' fashion watch with purple leather strap, in fitted case, a pair of Ratners faux pearl necklaces, various vintage and ballpoint pens to include a Parker Duofold example, also a modern Parker pen and pencil set, a Parker fountain pen with black body and gold plated cap, in presentation case, a British Aerospace gold plates pin in the form of a jet, an El View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 130 An early 20th century brass bound maroon trunk with wooden applied bands and brass fittings, and leather carrying handles, 32 x 92 x 51cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 131 A late Georgian mahogany cheese coaster, with shaped decoration, 15 x 43 x 29cm (af). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe cradle for the cheese coaster has a large split to one side. Further splits throughout the rounded section. Lacking its wheels. Further splits to the base section and a repaired section to the front edge of one side. The central divide is missing and it has a later upholstered pad inset to the coaster, turning it into a footstool of sorts. Lot 132 A quantity of shells to include conch shells and various other tropical examples. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED Lot 133 Various hand made stained wooden items comprising two galleried trays with stag's head decoration, three wall-hanging coat racks, a three-tiered wall-hanging shelf unit and a bottle opener with cap catcher (7). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 134 A group of eight military figures depicting various regiments, to include 'Highland Officer 1815', '1958 Gordon Highlander Drum Major', 'Soldier of the Crimea', etc, three willow tree figurines and a Victorian black and gilded cast iron address stamper (12). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 135 Three shop display factice perfume bottles comprising a 'Sun, Moon and Stars' blue perfume bottle, height 28cm, a Vanderbilt 'Gloria Vanderbilt' example with intaglio of swan to the top and Senso ribbed glass example (3). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 136 A quantity of commemorative crowns to include 'The Golden Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth', 'The Queen Mother' and various other royal commemorative crowns and coins, a quantity of first day cover stamps, mainly relating to the British Royal Family, a boxed Minerva wristwatch, a metal model of a 1940s Red Cross nurse, an Aynsley hand painted coffee can, pattern no.1930 and an M. Hohner mouth organ. View details Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 137 A small mixed lot of collectors' items to include a cast metal miniature longcase clock, a pair of vintage football boots, two carved wooden shoes, stamped 'ST.H, P.O.W 1901' (possibly from a doll), a novelty ski and boot, and a Cadbury's Peter Pan's chocolate machine and savings bank. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 138 A quantity of vintage fountain pens to include Supreme, etc. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 139 A collectors' lot comprising lighters to include Ronson, a cigar cutter, white metal items, etc. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Lot 140 A Jaeger car clock and a quantity of pocket watches, parts, movements, etc. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£10StatusCLOSED Lot 141 A vintage EPNS plated cocktail shaker of Art Deco form and an Eastman Kodak Company camera (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSEDBidding historyBidding history Items per page 122448 Previous|12345678...32|Next1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 Previous 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 Next Previous 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 Next