Four Day Auction of Boutique, Silver, Jewellery & Watches with Furniture & Interiors (Macclesfield)(#220) 29/03/2022 3:00 PM GMT CLOSED Auction Information Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Militaria Ephemera Furniture: Traditional Bronze and Other Sculptures Glass Boutique - Clothing Pictures: Northern & 20th Century Oils Toys & Games: Toys Clocks: Wall Clocks Charity Sale Ceramic Figures Silver Musical Instruments & Mechanical Music Books Plated Items Garden and Architectural Asian Art: Oriental & Eastern Works of Art Boutique - Handbags Pictures: Northern & 20th Century Watercolours Sporting Clocks: Mantel clocks Furniture: Reproduction Doulton Watches: Pocket Watches Scientific Instruments Pictures: Traditional Oils Metalware Carpets & Rugs Asian Art: Chinese Works of Art Boutique - Accessories Pictures: Northern & 20th Century Prints Militaria: Edged Weapons Clocks: Carriage Clocks Furniture: Oak & Vernacular Beswick Watches: Wristwatches Collectors' Items Pictures: Traditional Watercolours Textiles Lighting Asian Art: Japanese Works of Art Boutique - Jewellery Jewellery: Costume Jewellery Militaria: Medals, Badges & Buttons Barometers Furniture: Arts and Crafts & 20th Century Design Decorative Arts Coins Boutique - Shoes/Boots Pictures: Prints, Etchings, Engravings & Maps Toys & Games: Trains Clocks: Longcase Clocks Ceramics Jewellery Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1297-1344 of 2921. View Lot 2157 An early 19th century hallmarked silver vesta case in the form of a satchel, the hinged front with oval panel engraved with the initials MAH enclosing a gilded interior with scrolling grille and foliate engraved base, hallmarked Birmingham but obscured, 3.5 x 2.5cm, approx 17.7g. Estimate£60 - £90Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe action works well, there is a small hole front left, the lid slightly overhangs, general surface wear throughout. The hallmarks are obscured, a couple of small dents to the frame. View details Estimate£60 - £90Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 2158 Two similar Elizabeth II hallmarked silver snuff boxes in the form of nautilus shells with simple hinged covers, Birmingham 1976 and Birmingham 1979, length 42mm, combined approx 68g. Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSome tarnishing and toning to both, light general surface wear, a couple of small dents, one has a ring loop attachment applied, general condition ok. View details Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED Lot 2159 ADIE BROTHERS; a George V silver comport with swing handle, Birmingham 1926-1927, approx 9ozt/250g. Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£115StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£115StatusCLOSED Lot 2160 ATKIN BROTHERS; a Victorian silver oval shaped dish with gilt border, Sheffield 1890, approx 11ozt/350g. Estimate£200 - £300Winning Bid£170StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£200 - £300Winning Bid£170StatusCLOSED Lot 2161 H. MATTHEWS; a George V oval photograph frame, Birmingham 1918, approx 3ozt/110g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe year letter is rubbed but can be seen in the light. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 2162 Two George V glass holders one pierced, approx 6ozt/164g (2). Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 2163 A small group of silver including an Elizabeth II comb and an 800 grade cake server, approx 5ozt/136g (4). Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED Lot 2164 FULLER WHITE; an early George III hallmarked silver christening mug, with later embossed floral decoration, London 1762, 6ozt/195g, height 9.5cm. Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£130StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£130StatusCLOSED Lot 2165 JOHN ROUND; a set of six late Victorian hallmarked silver teaspoons and matching sugar tongs, in fitted case, Sheffield 1892, weight 3oz/97g, with a Victorian brass mounted double ended blue glass scent bottle in leather case, a 19th century seal, an 18th century hallmarked silver toddy ladle with baleen handle, and an Art Nouveau gilt metal buckle mount. Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSpoons generally ok, box with light scuffs, the scent bottle is lacking one of the lids, and box with light, other items with general light age wear. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Lot 2166 PAIRPOINT BROS; a George V hallmarked silver novelty bowl, the exterior decorated with a country scene of a fox chasing a goose and ducks on a pond, on lion mask legs with paw shaped feet, London 1921, diameter, 8.3ozt/258g, with an associated silver plated sifter spoon. Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£170StatusCLOSED Condition ReportBowl with minor wear but essentially ok. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£170StatusCLOSED Lot 2167 HUKIN & HEATH; a pair of hallmarked silver mounted snuff bottles of tapering cylindrical form, with hallmarked silver mounts, covers and spoons, London and Birmingham 1906-7, height 8.8cm, together with hallmarked silver mounted perfume bottle with faux tortoiseshell cover, a further cut glass perfume bottle with silver plated mount and a brass topped example (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Condition ReportTarnishing and wear to each, denting to the caps on each of the snuff bottles, only one example is marked with clear maker's stamp, the other is heavily worn, each mount with tarnishing and wear, minor denting, the silver plated mounted example is loose. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 2168 M. BROS; a George VI hallmarked silver and enamel mounted smelling salts bottle, with faceted glass body and floral detail to the cover, Birmingham 1938, height 7.5cm, together with three further similar bottles including a Victorian mounted example with internal stopper (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe moon shaped example is a silver plated mounted, light wear to each of the bottles, minor denting/misshaping to the covers, one of the faceted examples with numerous dents to the silver mounts and minor chipping to the base, the Victorian example is complete with stopper. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 2169 Four hallmarked silver mounted glass perfume/smelling salt bottles, also an Edwardian silver plated perfume bottle with clear glass stopper (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 2170 M. BROS; Victorian hallmarked silver mounted cranberry glass perfume bottle of cylindrical form, Birmingham 1898, height 7.5cm, together with a similar hallmarked silver mounted example, height 7cm and two silver plated and cranberry glass examples (4). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED Condition ReportEach of the hallmarked silver examples with original liners, each with engraved initials to the covers, each with tarnishing wear, the smaller with a tiny pin head nibble to the foot rim, the cylindrical example with the silver plated top with numerous sliver chips to the base. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED Lot 2171 Four hallmarked silver mounted perfume/smelling salt bottles with cut glass bodies, including two example with guilloche enamel tops, also a Victorian hobnail cut glass example with gilt and silvered metal mounts inscribed 'Bessi' and dated 26h November 1867 (5). Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Condition ReportTarnishing, minor nibbles to the foot rims of the bottles, slight knocks and dents to the silver mounts in parts, the thin cylindrical example is missing the internal stopper, smaller enamelled example with a chip/area to the enamel, a large enamel top example with numerous chips to the body, the unmarked example is missing the internal stopper and wear to the metal. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 2172 GRANT MACDONALD SILVERSMITHS; a contemporary Elizabeth II hallmarked silver pill box of circular form with textured concave cover and gilt interior, London 1969/70, together with a further hallmarked silver contemporary box with hinged cover, and three egg shaped smelling salt bottles with silver plated mounts, weighable 5.3ozt/165g (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Condition ReportEach of the eggs with heavy wear to the plated mounts, the two silver plated boxes with tarnishing and wear, light scratches, minor knocks to the edges, there is possibly a small chip area of loss to the concave example on the edge of the cover. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Lot 2173 Four hallmarked silver mounted dressing table/perfume bottles including an egg shaped example with hobnail cut body, height 6cm, also a cylindrical example stamped 'silver' to the cap (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe cap with denting, knocks and pitting, the egg shaped example is missing the internal stopper, with denting to the cap, the two remaining bottles with chipping to the rims/edges. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Lot 2174 Five hallmarked silver mounted and cut glass dressing table bottles including a conical example with wrythen cut glass decoration and Victorian silver mounts, length 20cm, etc (5). Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe conical example with a possible smoothed chip to the point, missing the internal stopper, caps with dents/knocks to each example. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 2175 WILLIAM HENRY SPARROW; an Edward VII hallmarked silver mounted glass perfume bottle with Art Nouveau style decoration, Birmingham 1904, together with four hallmarked silver mounted dressing/perfume bottles (5). Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThere is a large example with cover dated April 1895, the cover does not fit the jar 100% true, there is a small gap, the small bottle with a chip to the internal stopper, the baluster bottle with numerous dents to the silver mount, the square example with the silver mount with chipping to the underside of the stopper. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 2176 Two hallmarked silver mounted perfume bottles, together with three silver plated mesh purses/bags, assorted costume jewellery, etc. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 2177 WALKER & HALL; a George V hallmarked silver twin handled pedestal trophy shaped vase, Sheffield 1910, together with further hallmarked silver including a footed bowl, mustard spoons, a pair of sugar tongs, etc, combined weight 13.18ozt/410g. Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£190StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£190StatusCLOSED Lot 2178 CHARLES HORNER; a collection of seven silver mounted hat pins of various designs, together with three further hat pins, one example unmarked but in the Scottish style, decorated with three hardstones, also a Royal Winton floral hat pin holder (11). Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Lot 2179 NATHANIEL MILLS; a Victorian hallmarked silver card case with bright cut edge and engine turned decoration surrounding a shaped vacant cartouche, Birmingham 1855, 10 x 7cm, approx weight 55g. Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Condition ReportCase is slightly warped/dented but good condition. View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Lot 2180 NATHANIEL MILLS; a Victorian hallmarked silver card case with chased linear decoration and a shaped vacant cartouche to the front, Birmingham 1853, approx weight 59.1g. Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSlightly warped/squashed, light scratches and wear. View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Lot 2181 NATHANIEL MILLS; a George IV hallmarked silver snuff box of rectangular form, inscribed 'James Bruce' to the cover, with gilded interior, Birmingham 1827, width 8cm approx weight 87.6g. Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Condition ReportDent to the left side, scratches and scuffs, wear to the gilded interior. View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Lot 2182 A George IV hallmarked silver and yellow enamel three piece dressing table set comprising mirror, hand brush and two clothes brushes, Birmingham 1924 (4). Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Condition ReportMaker's marks slightly rubbed on most and with some small knocks to the edges of the silver on the clothes brushes, some small nicks to the edge of the enamel on the clothes brushes and all with general light scratches to the surface of the enamel, overall fair. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Lot 2183 HAMILTON & CO; a George V hallmarked silver cigarette case, Chester 1922, length 12.5cm, with three egg shaped silver cruets, London 1922, gross weighable silver 9.1ozt/285g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Condition ReportCigarette case with a few minor surface scratches, a couple of small knocks at the edge and some light grazing, one of the cruets with a small dent to the lid and others with some general tarnishing spots, etc. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 2184 CHARLES STUART HARRIS (PROBABLY); an Edward VII hallmarked silver bread basket with cast scrolling rim outside pierced and cast decoration of swags and bows, London 1909, approx weight 16.6ozt/516g. Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£300StatusCLOSED Condition ReportTarnishing to the body, the maker's marks are rubbed slightly, slightly wobbly on the foot and the bowl is slightly misshapen. View details Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£300StatusCLOSED Lot 2185 WALKER & HALL; a George V hallmarked silver twin handled bowl with pierced rim, Sheffield 1921 (probably), approx weight 28.9ozt/901g. Estimate£200 - £300Winning Bid£410StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe marks are rubbed slightly, minor denting to the body, tarnishing and wear, there is a part of the pierced decoration by the side of one handle which is missing, further parts of the decoration are bent. View details Estimate£200 - £300Winning Bid£410StatusCLOSED Lot 2186 ADIE BROS LTD; a George V hallmarked silver twin handled bowl, with cast rim above pierced floral panels, Birmingham 1926, raised on four swept feet, approx weight 17.5ozt/546g. Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£265StatusCLOSED Condition ReportTarnishing throughout, denting in parts. View details Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£265StatusCLOSED Lot 2187 CHARLES STUART HARRIS; a pair of hallmarked silver baskets of oval form with cast and pierced decoration depicting flower heads, mask heads and scrolling detail, London 1899-1901, width 21.5cm, approx weight 25.6ozt/797g. Estimate£300 - £500Winning Bid£420StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe maker's marks and one of the date letters are slightly rubbed, light scratches to the interior, minor wear, tarnishing as expected, denting to the interior. View details Estimate£300 - £500Winning Bid£420StatusCLOSED Lot 2188 MAPPIN & WEBB; an Edward VII hallmarked silver pedestal basket with cast floral rim above pierced and cast body, floral sprays and swags, London 1908, height 8.5cm, width 14cm, approx weight 4.99ozt/155g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£95StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe bowl is slightly misshapen, light wear, tarnishing, the base has been dented so that the foot is off balance. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£95StatusCLOSED Lot 2189 WILLIAM NEALE; a George V hallmarked silver bowl of circular form with pierced border, Birmingham 1911, together with a Victorian hallmarked silver open salt, and a hallmarked silver salt cellar in the form of an open shell, approx weight 4.4ozt/136g (3). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Condition ReportDenting to the pierced border, slight misshaping, scratches to the interior, the spoon is associated, tarnishing. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Lot 2190 A pair of George V hallmarked silver candlesticks, raised on knopped stems, Birmingham 1911, height 16cm (weighted) (2). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis lot is from a fire damaged property. The pieces have been cleaned, but please bear in mind that the pieces may have underlying issues due to the fire. the marks are rubbed, denting to the bases and the body of each piece. One example has had a large dent/knock to the top rim. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 2191 FREDERICK MARSON; a Victorian hallmarked silver card case, with chased decoration surrounding an oval cartouche inscribed with initials 'AB', Birmingham 1870, approx 6ozt. . Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis lot is from a fire damaged property. The piece has been cleaned, but please bear in mind that the piece may have underlying issues due to the fire. The piece has been pushed in and dented, tarnishing and wear. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Lot 2192 DEAKIN & FRANCIS; a late Victorian hallmarked silver trinket box of oval form, with cast rim and engine turned decoration, Birmingham 1900 (probably), approx 2.69ozt/83g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis lot is from a fire damaged property. The piece has been cleaned, but please bear in mind that the piece may have underlying issues due to the fire. The marks are heavily rubbed. Pitting and light wear. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 2193 MAPPIN & WEBB; an Edward VII hallmarked silver bonbon dish in the Arts & Crafts style, with pierced decoration and three supports, Birmingham 1908, together with a pair of hallmarked silver posy vases (weighted) (3). Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis lot is from a fire damaged property. The pieces have been cleaned, but please bear in mind that the pieces may have underlying issues due to the fire. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 2194 HENRY MATTHEWS; a late Victorian hallmarked silver mounted scent bottle, with gilded interior and repoussé decoration, and with stopper, Birmingham 1893, together with a hallmarked silver mounted oil bottle, with clear moulded glass body and a hobnail cut scent bottle with hallmarked silver stopper (3). Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis lot is from a fire damaged property. The pieces have been cleaned, but please bear in mind that the pieces may have underlying issues due to the fire. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 2195 WILLIAM CHAWNER II; a George IV hallmarked silver ladle, decorated in the Fiddle, Thread and Shell pattern, with engraved family crest, London 1829, approx weight 8.1ozt/254g. Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Condition ReportA large split to the bowl, tarnishing wear. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 2196 ISAAC COOKSON (probably); a pair of rare George II hallmarked silver sauce boats with cast rims, raised on three pad feet, with floral knees, Newcastle 1751, length 18cm, approx weight 11.4ozt/354g. Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£160StatusCLOSED Condition ReportLight tarnishing and wear, polish residue, the marks are on each example are slightly rubbed, one example with old solder repair to each of the legs, numerous dents and knocks to the body, a second example with denting to the legs which has pressed into the body. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£160StatusCLOSED Lot 2197 JAMES DEAKIN & SONS; a pair of George V hallmarked silver chocolate pots, each with cast Arts and Crafts style detail to the lower bodies, Sheffield 1912, each with engraved initial M to body, with ebonised side handles, approx weight 18.2ozt/566g. Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£250StatusCLOSED Condition ReportWear, minor knocks, the feet are slightly misshapen, tarnishing, minor denting to the spouts. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£250StatusCLOSED Lot 2198 A collection of assorted hallmarked silver including barrel shaped cream jug with cast rim, a twin handled sugar bowl with cast rim, a pair of open salts (weighted), and a pepperette and salt shaker, weighable 6.6ozt/207g. Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 2199 LANSON LTD; a cased set of six Elizabeth II hallmarked silver teaspoons, with angular shaped handles, Birmingham 1979, with a small cut glass decanter and stopper with hallmarked silver rim, cut glass vase with hallmarked silver rim, dressing table bottle with hallmarked silver stopper, miniature hallmarked silver chalice, and napkin ring, weighable 2.79ozt/87g. Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 2200 CLARK & SEWELL; a George V hallmarked silver cigarette case with engine turned decoration surrounding the circular cartouche with engraved initials EL, with fall down front, Chester 1922, with a hallmarked silver snap bangle, approx 3.93ozt/122g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe cigarette case with numerous dents, knocks, it has also been pushed in. Tarnishing and wear to each. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Lot 2201 WILLIAM HUTTON & SONS; a George V hallmarked silver three branch epergne of conical form, the upper section with pierced decoration and cast rim, with three arms supporting baskets, Chester 1913, stand is weighted, approx weight of the baskets 4.1ozt/129g. Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe arms supporting the baskets are misshapen, the glass insert with minor sliver chip, conical piece has obviously taken a knock as the rim is heavily dented. View details Estimate£150 - £250Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED Lot 2202 A collection of spoons including three Victorian examples with cast handles, each with engraved initials 'WCW' to the handles, London 1860, approx weight 5.9ozt/184g. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Lot 2203 HENRY MATTHEWS; a pair of Victorian hallmarked silver footed twin handled bonbon dishes of oval form with repoussé and pierced decoration, Birmingham 1893, together with further hallmarked and sterling silver including a circular dish, possibly Indian, repoussé decorated with elephants, silver backed items including a dressing table set, etc. Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£180StatusCLOSED Lot 2204 CRISFORD & NORRIS LTD; an Edward VII hallmarked silver novelty children's rattle in the form of a trumpet, Birmingham 1902, with presentation inscription, together with a further hallmarked silver teething rattle (2). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Condition ReportOne example is missing the coral terminal and with numerous dents, the marks are rubbed, the trumpet example is engraved as stated, is slightly misshapen. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Items per page 122448 Previous|1...262728293031...61|Next12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061 Previous 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061 Next Previous 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061 Next