Comic Books, Memorabilia and Wines & Spirits with Antiques and Collectors’ Items(#191) 07/07/2021 10:00 AM GMT+1 CLOSED Auction Information Liverpool Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Paintings Sporting Clocks: Mantel clocks Watches: Wristwatches Bronze and Other Sculptures Books Garden and Architectural Silver Collectors' Items Prints, Etchings, Engravings & Maps Militaria: Medals, Badges & Buttons Clocks: Carriage Clocks Watches: Pocket Watches Asian Art: Oriental & Eastern Works of Art Comic Books and Memorabilia Furniture Plated Items Barometers Metalware Militaria Lighting Jewellery: Costume Jewellery Glass Musical Instruments & Mechanical Music Toys & Games: Toys Clocks: Longcase Clocks Taxidermy Wines & Spirits Mirrors Jewellery Ceramic Figures Textiles & Clothing Ephemera Clocks: Wall Clocks Decorative Arts Toys & Games: Chess Sets and Chess Pieces Carpets & Rugs Coins Ceramics Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 673-720 of 1291. View Lot 672 DC COMICS; approximately 160 comic books comprising approximately fifty Green Lantern, five Ion, forty-five JLA and sixty Justice League of America, 1990s and later, all bagged and the majority boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 673 DC COMICS; approximately 200 comic books of mixed subject including The Weird, Shade the Changing Man, Steel, JLA, Hawkworld, Batman, Animal Man, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Vermillion, Star Man, Extreme Justice, Checkmate, Underworld, The Green Lantern, The Wanderers, Two-Face, The Savage Hawkman, Legion Lost, The Phantom Stranger, The New Talent Showcase, Icon, Infinity, Justice League America, Impulse, Jonni Thunder, Kingdom Come, Legion of Superheroes, L.A.W., Legion, Legends of the Law, Lords Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSome loose in worn condition. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 674 DC COMICS; over 150 comic books of mixed subject including Justice League Europe (numerous), Man Hunter, Rebels, Robin, Star Trek, The Legion of Super-Heroes, Vixen, Wonder Woman, Wrath of the Spectre, Teen Titans, The Prisoner, Primal Force, The Hangman, Reign of the Zodiac, Rock, Scarface, The Savage Hawkman, Shado, Sahdowpact, Secret Origins, Secret Six, Son of Vulcan, Seven Soldiers (Klarion), Sonic Disrupters, Starman, The Titans, Tempus Fugitive, New Titans, Timber Wolf, Underworld, Vigila Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 675 DC COMICS; approximately 175 1990s and later comic books including #1,000,000, Arion, Aquaman, Arak, Allstar Western, All-Star Squadron, Atari Force, Animal Man, Batwing, Black Canary, Black Hawk, Black Condor, Birds of Prey, Black Orchid, The Black Lamb, Bloodlines, Bloodbath, Camelot 3000, Chain Gang, Checkmate, Cinder and Ashe, The Crimson Avenger, Captain Atom, Centurions, Superman (various series including Confidential, approx 75), Batman (various series including Batman and the Outsiders), Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 676 VERTIGO DC; over 100 comic books of mixed subject including 100 Bullets, Bangkok, Beware the Creeper, Deadman, El Diablo, Books of Magick, Human Target, Hunter, Hinterkind, Jack of Fables (numerous), Jam, Kid Eternity (numerous), The Losers (numerous) Loveless, Nevada, Neverwhere, Shade the Changing Man, Savage Things, Seekers, Shadows Fall, Strange Adventures, US, Other Side, etc, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Lot 677 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; three Iron Man comic books, all signed to cover by Stan Lee and further Marvel artists, bagged and boarded (3). Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese comics come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 678 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; a Daredevil comic no.304, postcard and a Daredevil: Yellow graphic novel, all signed by Stan Lee, the latter further signed by Tim Sale (3). Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 679 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; The Mighty World of Marvel: The Last Daredevil Story and Marvel Previews: Iron Man No.9 comic books, both signed to cover by Stan Lee, the former with further signature to centre (2). Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. The central signature of the first mentioned item somewhat smudges, some noticeable scuffs to this book - especially around the corners and edges. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 680 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; two comic books, Captain America and The Punisher (Jigsaw Puzzle: Part 3 of 6), both signed to cover by Stan Lee, the former with further signature and the latter also further signed by Tom Morgan (2). Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. The Punisher book with some visible mottling, creasing, etc to corners and edges. View details Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold Lot 681 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; three Spider-Man comic books, all signed to cover by Stan Lee, Ultimate Spider-Man with three further signatures and Amazing Spider-Man bearing single additional signature and Spider-Man mask sketch by Stan Lee (3). Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. Marvel Knights Spider-Man signature with some smudging, some visible mottling, creasing, etc to corners and edges. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 682 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; two comic books comprising Avengers Spotlight and The Mighty Thor, both signed by Stan Lee and both bearing additional signature, the latter by Joe Smith (2). Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. Some visible creasing and mottling to corners and edges. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 683 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; two Amazing Spider-Man comic books, both signed by Stan Lee and both bearing additional signature (2). Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. Some visible mottling to corners and edges. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 684 MARVEL COMICS & STAN LEE; a signed Captain America No.245 US issue comic book, bearing three further signatures including Joe Rubinstein, bagged and boarded with Autografica certificate of authenticity. Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThis item comes from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. Some visible slight creasing and mottling, as well as some slight smudging to signatures. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Lot 685 STAN LEE; two signed publications comprising Marvel 'Hawkeye' with two further signatures to cover and Vertigo 'The Last Man', bearing three further signatures, also a Marvel 'X-Men: The Ultimate Guide' book published by DK (unsigned) (3). Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. Visible scuffs, creases and mottling. Some slight smudging to signatures, etc. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Lot 686 MARVEL COMICS; over 150 1990s and later comic books with approximately 150 Wolverine examples including Volumes 3-6 and Origins, also two Uncanny X-Force and three X-Men 2099 examples, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 687 MARVEL COMICS; over 180 predominantly Marvel comic books including The Amazing Spider-Man, Alpha Flight, Death 3, War of Kings, X-Men, Hellions, Thunderbolts, Cyclops and Phoenix X, Nth Man, Kingpin, Fantastic Four, Cyberspace 3000, Death's Head, Knights of Pendragon, Motormouth & Killpower, Warheads, etc, the majority bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 688 MARVEL COMICS; approximately 150 comic books of mixed subject including The Sensational She-Hulk, Spider-Man (numerous and various), Mephisto, Mandrake, Marvel Adventures, M.O.D.O.K., Mort, Morbius, Mutant X, Namor, Sub-Mariner, Power Pack, New Excalibur, The New Mutants, New Universal, Night Mask, Nighside, Nigh Stalkers, Nighthawk, Nightwatch, Powerman and Iron Fist, Ravage 2099, Red Wolf, Mutant X, Robocop, etc, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 689 MARVEL COMICS; over 150 comic books of mixed subject including Spider Gwen, Spider-Man, Strange Tales, Secret Invasion, The Sentry, Shadow Masters, Silver Sable, Six Guns, Shadows & Light, Spitfire, Starbrand, Sleepwalker, Squadron Supreme, Team X (X-Men), Truth, Wolverine, Ultimate Secret, The Ultimates, Dark Hawk, Warlock, Wonder Woman, X Weapon, X-Men, Wolfpack, Young Avengers, Gambit, Ghost Rider, GI Joe, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Incredible Hulk, Kingpin, Marvel Tales, Marvel Comics Pres Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 690 MARVEL COMICS; over 150 The Avengers comic books, late 1980s and later, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 691 MARVEL COMICS; approximately 175 1990s and later Fantastic Four comic books including Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 and further annuals, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£95StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£95StatusCLOSED Lot 692 MARVEL COMICS; over 150 comic books of mixed subject including The Secret Defenders, The Silver Surfer, Secret War, Star Brand and Night Mask, Speedball, The Mighty Thor, The Thing, Thunderbolts, Universe X, X Force, X-Paradise, X-Earth, X-Men (various series, approx 50), all bagged and boarded. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 693 MARVEL COMICS; over 150 comic books of mixed subject including The Punisher, The New Warriors, Nomad, Quasar, Avengers and Avengers West Coast, Black Panther, Captain America, Conan the Barbarian, Daredevil and Dark Hawk, 1990s and later, the majority bagged and boarded, also two reproduction Black Panther prints in glazed frames. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 694 BATMAN; a signed envelope by Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin, a DC Universe Batman Wacky Wobbler figure, boxed, and a black and white photograph of Quincy Jones and Ray Charles bearing Quincy Jones signature beneath sketched musical notes. Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 695 A sketch of Batman inscribed below 'Bat's regards' and signed by Bob Kane, dated 1991, on a 1981 first day cover envelope, a Superman trading card signed by Jackie Cooper who played Perry White, and over 100 1980s and later mixed publication comic books with Marvel including X-Men, Wolverine, Spider-Man, etc, DC including Justice League America, Action Comics, Nightwing, Gotham Central, etc, the majority bagged and boarded. Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThese items come from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Lot 696 A quantity of Marvel and DC Comics including Superboy, The Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man, Dazzler, Hawkeye, Fallen Angel, Wonder Woman, Spotlight, etc. Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Lot 697 Approximately 200 mixed comic books including World of Warcraft (numerous), A Man Called Kev, Sleeper, Captain Atom, Stormwatch, Body Shots, Ex Machina, Star Trek, Cybernary 2.0, The American Way, Automatic Kafka, The Kindred, Miranda, Cain, Judge Anderson, War of the Worlds, Cat Claw, Powers That Be, Nexus, The Light Fantastic, Red Fox, Baraka, Kilroy, Scout: War Shaman, Midnight Men, Crimson, Desperadoes, etc, the majority bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 698 MARVEL COMICS; approximately 200 The Uncanny X-Men comic books, late 1980s and later, all bagged and boarded. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Lot 699 Over 200 comic books of mixed publication with Dark Horse examples including The Terminator, Robocop vs Terminator, Sin City, Pitbulls, Jonny Demon, Silke, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, DHP, The Lords of Misrule, The Territory, The Milkman Murders, Madman, etc, Image Comics including New Men, Brigade, Bloodstrike, Codename: Strykeforce, Cyberforce 0, Shadowhawk, Stormwatch, Supreme, Team Youngblood, Ultra, Wildcats, Youngblood, etc and further mixed publication including First, Scout, DDP and Avatar Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 700 Approximately 200 1990s and later comic books of mixed publication and subject including Wolverine and Jubilee, Spider-Man, Captain America, Civil War: The Initiative, Dennis the Menace, The New Captain Marvel, Shadows on the Grave, Scalped, Superman, Solar Flare, Ronin, The Backstagers, Blood Blister, The View, Cyborg, New-Superman, Fallen Angels, The Tomb of Dracula, X-Men, Blue Evil, The Man of Steel, 2010, Age of the Apocalypse, Alpha Flight, Bishop, Black Wulf, Black Widow, Blink, Bulletpo Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 701 Over 200 comic books of mixed publication with DC, Marvel, IDW, Vertigo, Eternity, Amalgam, Max, Malibu, Image, etc, with titles including Assassin, Strontium Dog, Nightbleed, Magnus Robot Fighter, Borderline, They Called Him Evil, Trident, Coyote, Swords of the Swashbucklers, Starstruck, Scalped (numerous), Justice League Europe, The Legacy of Superman, The Fix, The Mission, Angel (numerous), the Hyper Naturals, The Clockmaker, Rat Queens, Archanum, Felon, Ghosted, Knightmare, Kabuki Agents, Ci Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 702 T S ELIOT; two Christmas cards signed and sent to the recipient by T S Eliot, one was designed by André François for Faber and Faber, 24 Russell Square, London 1957, typed to the front 'With Best Wishes for Christmas and the Newy Year' and signed in black ink, the interior of the card depicts Father Christmas in bed and a reindeer causing havoc with a red ball of wool, 14 x 21cm, the second example depicts various locations in London to include Russell Square and Woburn Square, the card designe Estimate£100 - £120Winning Bid£380StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£100 - £120Winning Bid£380StatusCLOSED Lot 703 Tennyson Halan 'Tennyson: A Memoir' Volumes 1 and 2, 1897, pub Macmillan & Co, green cloth covers, seventeen volumes of 'Robert Browning's Poetical Works', pub Smith Elder & Co 1889 (19). Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 704 Mackenzie, Donald; 'Indian Myth and Legend', with various colour and monochrome plates, pub. The Gresham Publishing Co Ltd, 'British Battles on Land and Sea', edited by Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood VC, Dawson Captain A J; 'Somme Battle Stories' and Field Marshal Viscount French of Ypres; '1914', with maps, pub. Constable & Co Ltd, 1919 (5). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Lot 705 Four antiquarian books of religious interest to include 'The Humiliation and Exaltation of Our Redeemer in Thirty-Two Prints, Representing the Original Woodblocks of Albert Durer', edited by John Alan, M.A., London 1856, 'The New Pantheon: or Fabulous History of the Heathen Gods, Goddesses, Heroes, &c Explained in a Manner Entirely New' by Samuel Boyse, fourth edition dated 1771, 'The New Pantheon: Or An Introduction to the Mythology of the Ancients For the Use of Young Persons' by W Jillard Hor Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Lot 706 A copy of 'The Holy Scriptures: A Jewish Bible According to the Masoretic Text in Both Hebrew and English', Sinai Publishing, Tel Aviv Israel 72 Allenby Road, containing 'The Law', 'The Prophets', 'The Writings' and 'The Five Megillot', held in a yellow metal binding, with images of Jerusalem to the border and to the centre a jewelled crown and Hebrew script, a copy of 'Mrs Beeton's All About Cookery', with over 2000 practical recipes, twelve plates in colour and over 250 illustrations, publishe Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED Lot 707 A Breeches Bible containing Book of Common Prayer and Psalms, published 1583 by John Daye, lacking title, in leather binding. Estimate£400 - £600Winning Bid£880StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£400 - £600Winning Bid£880StatusCLOSED Lot 708 The Spectator in eight volumes, 1793, published J Parsons, in leather bindings. Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 709 Three antiquarian books relating to horse care in the 17th and 18th century to include 'The Farrier's New Guide: Containing First, the Anatomy of a Horse, Being an Exact and Compendius Description of all His Parts, Second, an Account of all Diseases Incident to Horses with their Signs, Causes and Methods of Cure', seventh edition, corrected, by W Gibson, London 1731, containing various illustrations and fold-out frontispiece, book marked for W. Wynne, 'The Gentleman's Stable Directory or Modern Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThere are signs of loose pages, foxing and loose bindings. View details Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Lot 710 Four large broadsheets titled 'The Lancashire Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1847' and an 1848 example, a Woods Lancashire sheet almanac for 1842 and a 'British Timepiece for 1813: Being the First After Leap Year', the almanac sheets with each section headed by the month and with a calendar entry relating to the day and date of that month, including the weather, religious interest, news interest, royalty, birthdays and deaths, etc, smallest 42 x 32cm, the others approx 56 x 43.5cm (4). Estimate£80 - £100StatusUnsold View details Estimate£80 - £100StatusUnsold Lot 711 A collection of twenty-four volumes of 'The History of England' to include 'The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Abdication of James II' by David Hulme Esq, with the author's last corrections and improvements, embellished with historical engravings and a series of portraits of all the British Monarchs from William the Conqueror to the present Majesty George III, 'The History of England from the Revolution to the Death of George II' by Dr. Smollett designed as a contin Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThere do not appear to be any pages missing, some wear to outer covers and to some of the pages. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 712 A complete set of 'The History of the 20th Century' magazines, published in the 1960s by BPC Publishing Ltd. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 713 A quantity of Art, Design and History books to include Inigo Jones 'The Theatre of the Stewart Court', 'Architecture of the Western World', 'Mexican Art', 'Great Houses of Britain', 'The 100 Best Pictures', published Charles Letts & Co, etc, also 'The Ring Cycle' on LP (6). Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 714 A large collection of books to include 'Modern Pen Drawings European and American', 'Oxford It's Buildings and Gardens', 'The Quiver 1896', 'The Golden Link 1895', 'Pwllheli and North Wales Illustrated Guide book' c1935 etc. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 715 A quantity of Science Fiction paperback books, mainly 'Analog Science Fact' books, dating from the 1950s and 1960s (non-consecutive numbers), also 'New Worlds Science Fiction', 'Authentic Science Fiction', 'Fantasy and Science Fiction', etc. Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 716 A quantity of hardback books to include pictorial spines, 'Prester John' by John Buchan, bound 'Punch' volumes 1928, Charles Dickens 'Barnaby Rudge', A A Milne titles and 'Robert Browning's Poetical Works'. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 717 A quantity of mainly hardback books to include 'The King's Treasures of Literature', 'The Companion Book Club' and various other hardback Fiction and Non-Fiction (5). Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED Lot 718 Approximately forty-one Daily Express and Sunday Express Giles books dating from the third series, thirteenth series, fifty-ninth series, etc (41). Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£15StatusCLOSED Lot 719 ROWLING, J K; a signed first edition 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', published 2005. Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£250StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSigned JK Rowling This item comes from a very good local private source and while we cannot guarantee the authenticity of these signatures, we have every reason to believe in their veracity. A couple of tiny scuffs to the dust jacket, some very light brown staining to the edges of the paper, but a clear signature and otherwise in good condition. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£250StatusCLOSED Items per page 122448 Previous|1...131415161718...27|Next123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 Previous 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 Next Previous 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 Next