Asian & Tribal Art with Musical Instruments, Clocks & Barometers(#168) 10/07/2020 10:00 AM BST CLOSED Auction Information Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Asian Art: Oriental & Eastern Works of Art Barometers Musical Instruments & Mechanical Music Asian Art: Chinese Works of Art Clocks: Longcase Clocks Antiquities & Ancient Artefacts Clocks: Wall Clocks Ethnic & Tribal Art Clocks: Mantel clocks Asian Art: Japanese Works of Art Musical Memorabilia & Instruments Clocks: Carriage Clocks Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 49-96 of 130. View Lot 438 GERARD MERCATOR; a circa 1695 map of North Africa, 'Tab. IV. Africæ in Qua Libya', 30.5 x 46cm, framed and glazed. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportSingle vertical fold, slight rippling, original margins, some dirt, staining and very light foxing throughout. Colours are muted an undoubtedly faded. Lot 439 GIANBATTISTA ALBRIZZI; a circa 1740 map of Africa, 'Carta Generale Dell' Africa', 33 x 42.5cm, framed and glazed. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportMargin trimmed lower portion but still at least a centimetre throughout. Glass broken lower left, some light staining and foxing, muted colours with some fading to the colours. Lot 440 EMMANUEL BOWEN; a circa 1747 map of West Africa, 'A New & Accurate Negroland and the Adjacent Countries; also Upper Guinea...', 34 x 42cm, framed and glazed. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£320StatusCLOSED Condition ReportOriginal margins but dirty and frayed to the edges, single vertical fold , muted colour and they have faded in parts. Lot 441 A late 19th/early 20th century Zulu fly whisk handle of figurative form, bearing paper label inscribed 'Ex Jacobs-Amsterdam', length 28cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSome scuffing and rubbing to the raised parts, where the binding meets to the remnants of some skin we have nothing else from that section down. Lot 442 A late 19th century African tribal club, probably Chokwe of Angola, with dozens of hammered nails to the bulbous head and with hole drilled through the haft for a wristband, length 86cm. View details Estimate£150 - £250StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere are a few notches to the haft, surface wear throughout as you would expect, a couple of the nails are either damaged or missing and the top of the club show signs of heavy use. There are also a few blade marks beneath the nail head where it appears to have been used in battle against a bladed item. Lot 443 An early 20th century African tribal Betel nut carrier, length 113cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 444 A Mozambique Tsonga ceremonial axe, with wimple decoration to the metal blade and turned wooden handle, height 50cm. View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Condition ReportBears label 'Ex Christianson Collection (1987-1989)', some rusting and pitting to the blade, overall condition good. Lot 445 A tall ebonised carved African sectional staff, height approx 180cm, two walking sticks, length 84cm and 93cm, and a three section standing figural cupboard (4). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 446 An Nguni dance staff with flattened oval terminal, length 92.5cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 447 A Zulu hardwood executioner's knobkerrie, length 69cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 448 Two South African knobkerries, length of largest 70.5cm, also a very well carved lidded bowl and a further carving (4). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe larger knobkerrie has split to top approximately half the way round vertically down, smaller knoberrie has several smaller splits to top and a large dent, further general wear. Lot 449 An African ceremonial axe, with later stand, height 42cm. View details Estimate£150 - £250StatusUnsold Lot 450 An African axe on stand, height 40cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 451 A South African axe shaft, length 37cm, and a fly whisk, length 34cm (2). View details Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold Lot 452 A South African ceremonial axe on stand, height 49cm. View details Estimate£250 - £350StatusUnsold Lot 453 Four Zulu assegai, length approx 190cm (4). View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Lot 454 Two early/mid-20th century Zulu assegai, length of larger 135cm (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£25StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSurface corrosion, pitting etc to blades. Further heavy wear to shaft, some splits, chips, knocks, abrasions etc. Lot 455 A short Zulu assegai (probably cut down), length 96cm, a wooden spear or shortarm of similar length (probably cut down), a spear head and shaft (now separate) a ladle, and a woven elephant hair whip/whisk (5). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportHeavy wear throughout, spears probably cut down as stated, dirt to whip, corrosion to metal where applicable, head of spear broken from shaft etc. Lot 456 A massive early 20th century hardwood carved African mask based on a Fante Ghanaian example, the upper section set with 'See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil' monkeys above bone inlaid elephant mask main section, height 98cm, width 49cm. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Condition ReportA few natural cracks in the wood, a few chips to the raised parts and the overall surface of the mask is quite dry and light in colour. Lot 457 Four African carved wooden masks including a Dan example and one Javanese example (lower left as pictured), largest approx 33cm (5). View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral wear throughout, some rubbing to raised parts as you would expect. Lot 458 An unusual African tribal mask with painted detail and exaggerated ears, length 29cm. View details Estimate£150 - £200Winning Bid£130StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral surface wear throughout as one would expect, but the piece has survived very well. There are no obvious damages or repairs. Lot 459 An African tribal mask in the form of a rhinoceros head, with pierced section to the collar, height 38cm. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£110StatusCLOSED Lot 460 An African Dan tribal mask with large head adornment set with cowrie shells, length 84cm. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSome cowrie shells missing, heavy wear to the fabric elements and rubbing to the raised wooden parts, overall ok. Lot 461 A late 19th/early 20th century naively carved wooden animal head, set with ibex horns, height 51cm. View details Estimate£150 - £200Winning Bid£130StatusCLOSED Lot 462 A large plant mask, Burkina Faso, now mounted on wooden stand, height including stand 139cm. View details Estimate£400 - £600StatusUnsold Lot 463 An early 20th century African tribal Kwere figure with lower portion missing, a Sudanese Bongo figure and a masquerade headdress, height of tallest 45cm (3). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportDamages and losses to all three figures. Lot 464 A large early 20th century African tribal Chokwe figure with pronounced coiffure, height 71cm, and a Borneo Dayak slit drum carved as an open mouthed spirit, height 89cm (2). View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSplits to the upright figure through the head, neck and chest, also to the arms where they meet the side of the figure and to the legs, raised parts have chips and knocks. The other piece has further damage as well. Lot 465 An early 20th century Dogon ritual figure, height 41cm, a Keaka figure, height 38cm, a mask and a fertility figure/fetish from Lower Sepik, Papua New Guinea (4). View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Condition ReportTwo are mounted on display stands, some losses and old damage throughout. From a local private collection. Lot 466 A carved African Yaruba figure, height 68cm, and a further African figure adorned with cowrie shells, height 64cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe first figure has severe inset infestation marks although this is clearly from a while ago. The second figure is very delicate, some of the shells are missing, some are damaged and the surface is prone to flaking. Lot 467 A large African carved figure with pronounced coiffure, height 63cm, a Bamana-type stylised bird figure/headdress, height 46cm and a further figure, height 46.5cm (3). View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportAll three figures have a dry feel with surface deterioration, the bird figure has a split to the base which has been repaired, general surface wear to all three figures, the tallest figure also has a split running through the head. Lot 468 A carved African fertility figure, possibly Aruba, height 33cm and three further African carved figures (4). View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe figure with child on the back has a split up the side, a few small chips, a split through the base and a very dry feel. The figures with hands clasped to the front again has numerous splits and signs of wear. The taller figure with applied cowrie shells has some chips and a crack to the base and general surface wear. The fourth figure has a very dry feel and surface wear throughout. Lot 469 A Chamba figure carved squatting on a circular base, wearing an iron necklace, height 39cm. View details Estimate£250 - £350StatusUnsold Lot 470 A Bulu monkey head reliquary, Cameroon, now mounted on stand, height approx 31cm. View details Estimate£250 - £350StatusUnsold Lot 471 A Camaroon pygmy figure, height 17cm. View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Lot 472 A Congo carved wooden drumming figure, height 25cm. View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Lot 473 A Baule carved figure of a seated female with child, set to a wooden stand, height of figure only 21cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300Winning Bid£200StatusCLOSED Lot 474 A Baule carved wooden scarified African figure with loin cloth, height 27.5cm. View details Estimate£400 - £600StatusUnsold Lot 475 A pair of 20th century carved African figures, framed and glazed in recessed case, each figure height approx 54cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40Winning Bid£20StatusCLOSED Lot 476 A large Sepik abstract carved seated figure on base, height 8cm. View details Estimate£150 - £250StatusUnsold Lot 477 An African tribal carved double figure group, height 26cm, a carved double figure, length 40cm, and a further carved figure, height 34cm (3). View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe double comb has general surface rubbing, a couple of old holes caused by insects at some point, the double figure has a split to the base but general old surface wear and a few chips around the rim. The third figure is very dry and is losing a lot of the surface and has a crack to the base and could even have been burnt at some stage. Lot 478 A quantity of African figures including Dogon examples, zoomorphic examples and various figural examples. View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral wear throughout. Lot 479 A group of African tribal items including a Bokono mask, an Ashanti figure, etc. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£35StatusCLOSED Lot 480 A Dogon carved wooden granary door decorated with three rows of figures, height 45cm, width 46cm and a further carved panel, length 60cm, height 38.5cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£130StatusCLOSED Condition ReportA few splits to the dogon door and a few holes visible where presumably where a lock or catch has been in place. Heavy rubbing to the edges and the carving has surface wear. Lot 481 A quantity of carved wooden African tribal items, the majority zoomorphic related, also a box and cover, etc. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral surface wear throughout. Lot 482 A quantity of African tribal items including a Kota figure, stylised horse carvings, etc. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral surface wear throughout. Lot 483 A group of African tribal wares including figures, brass canister, shell adorned bowl, terracotta vessels, etc. View details Estimate£50 - £100Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGeneral surface wear throughout. Lot 484 A Turkana ladle, length 43cm, and a stitched animal conical sheath, length 9.5cm (2). View details Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold Lot 485 A large pierced sepik canoe prow, now mounted on an ebonised stand, height approx 89cm. View details Estimate£300 - £400StatusUnsold Items per page 122448 Previous|123|Next Previous 123 Next Previous 123 Next