The Roger Haynes Collection November 21, 2014 Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Lighting Metalware Glass Collectors' Items Garden and Architectural Ceramics Carpets & Rugs Silver Textiles Plated Items Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 385-416 of 416. View Image Lot # Item Title Time Left Your Bids 382 An Edwardian mahogany and satinwood inlaid two tier square section jardinière/torchere stand raised on square section supports, height 94cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSome fading to the top, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 383 A Victorian walnut marble topped cylindrical pot cupboard with single door and circular plinth base, diameter 39cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportWhen closed, the door does not quite sit flush, otherwise general wear. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold View details 384 A reproduction Regency style mahogany dropleaf table, raised on four fluted square section supports to brass hairy paw caps and castors, width 91cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSome surface scratches. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 385 A 19th century mahogany commode, the bowfront hinged top now enclosing an aperture above two faux drawers on splayed bracket feet, width 66cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe piece has been adapted, there are some losses to veneer, some old repairs and lots of surface scratches. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold View details 386 A Victorian mahogany wash stand, the three quarter raised gallery above two shaped frieze drawers, pierced lyre shaped end supports to block feet united by a shaped stretcher, width 107cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportOf good colour, with light surface wear. Estimate£60 - £100StatusUnsold View details 387 A late 19th century mahogany centre table in the French taste, the rounded rectangular top inset with a leather writing surface above frieze drawer and square section cabriole legs, the top 106 x 55.5cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportA few minor chips around the frieze drawer and to the feet, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold View details 388 A mahogany framed coffee table, the top of which is made from a folio box binding for Harding's Sketches, 61 x 47cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe framed is modern, there is heavy rubbing and staining to the book bindings and wear to the gilt. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold View details 389 An early 20th century painted hardwood Chinese jardinière stand, the circular top raised on four carved scrolling uprights, height 41cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportHeavy wear to the circular lacquered top, there are four new metal bracket supports to the back of the legs where there have been splits in the past, one of which has had a crude break. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 390 A pair of early 20th century mahogany bowfront side tables, each shaped top above two drawers raised on square section tapering legs, diameter 44.5cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSome surface scratches otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold View details 391 A French Empire style mahogany and brass detailed 4' 6'' double bed, the headboard with turned finials above fluted turned uprights with panelled backs and turned feet, with matching footboard and side rails. Auction has ended! Condition ReportNo cross slats. A few sections of moulding loose, some missing entirely. Good colour, some surface scratches. Would suggest trying Shore Porters for carriage to the Scottish Borders. Approx dimensions - width to outside of frame: 152cm; length to outside of frame: 212cm; height of headboard (to top of finial): 147cm; max height of footboard: 86cm. Minor veneer loss in small patches (some examples shown in additional images). Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold View details 392 An unusual pair of painted single beds, each shaped headboard centred with a saintly figure within a scrolling framework and with turned uprights, each bed sold with foot board and side rails, width of each 100cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe age is probably between 40 and 50 years old, some staining to the paintwork and knocks and chips to the paintwork on the raised parts. Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold View details 393 A painted pine three drawer bedside chest raised on bracket feet, width 47cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSome losses to the paint but overall in ok condition. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold View details 394 A painted pine side cabinet, the moulded cornice above two double panelled upper doors, each with pierced arched section with rattan caning enclosing a hanging bar above a base of two doors to plinth base, the lower panels painted with saintly figures, the upper sections with scrolls and cornucopia, width 140cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThis is a contemporary piece constructed from older timbers, the paintwork has been done in the last 50 years, overall a very decorative item. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold View details 395 An early 20th century brass framed leather seated adjustable club fender with ring turned uprights and plinth base, width 128cm when closed. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSome rubbing and staining to the leather, some tarnishing and surface scratches to the brass. Size when fully extended approximately 157cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold View details 396 An early 19th century mahogany hall chair, the oval back with later embellished entwined anchor, plank seat and ring turned front legs (af). Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe chair has seen extensive damage and repair, noticeably to the back legs and seat, signs of heavy wear. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 397 A late 19th century painted bobbin turned side chair with leather padded seat and stud decoration Auction has ended! Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 398 A late 19th century oak dining chair with cameo padded back, stuffover seat and square section legs, the reverse of the padded back inscribed ''H'' beneath a crown. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe chair has been re-upholstered well, the frame appears solid, overall ok. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold View details 399 A late Victorian oak and gilt heightened prie dieu chair, the padded top rail above pierced Gothic splat back flanked by turned uprights to a low woolwork decorated seat and squat turned feet. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe gilt embellishments are of a later date, wear to the woolwork tapestry commensurate with age, overall in good order. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold View details 400 A pair of early 20th century decorative gilt heightened and floral decorated painted bedroom chairs with cane seats and turned legs. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSigns of wear but overall ok. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold View details 401 A set of four Regency mahogany dining chairs, each with bar back above padded seat and ring turned front legs Auction has ended! Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold View details 402 A George III mahogany elbow chair, the shaped top rail above pierced vase shaped splat back, shaped arms, upholstered stuffover seat and square section legs, reduced. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe chair is slightly low and has been reduced at some stage, there is a metal bracket to one arm, both arms have had repairs where they meet the back of the chair, there are also two metal brackets to the back of the splat, a well used chair. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold View details 403 A set of eight Edwardian mahogany dining chairs, each with shaped top rail above pierced vase shaped splat back, padded drop-in seats and knee carved cabriole legs to ball and claw feet (6+2). Auction has ended! Condition ReportTwo of the chairs are slightly loose in their construction, the seats have also gone on several and would need attention. Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold View details 404 A large early 20th century oak framed open armchair, the needlework padded back and seat with acanthus carved scrolling arms and knee carved cabriole legs to hoof feet united by a stretcher. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSolid framework, damage in parts to the needlework upholstery, noticeably a hole to the back and to the seat, somewhere to the feet, but overall ok. Estimate£150 - £250StatusUnsold View details 405 An early Victorian rosewood framed leather upholstered armchair, the shaped back above padded open arms, padded seat and ring turned tapering legs to brass caps and castors. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe leather upholstery is a later addition, there are plug marks where the arms have been reattached to make them more solid to the frame, some signs of wear as expected but overall a good looking chair. Estimate£150 - £250StatusUnsold View details 406 A 19th century mahogany framed upholstered armchair, the padded back, arms and seat with loose cushion above four turned legs to pad feet. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSolid framework throughout, general wear to the upholstery. Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold View details 407 A late 19th century Continental walnut framed open armchair, the floral embroidered padded back and seat with acanthus scroll arms with lion mask caps above block and turned legs united by stretchers. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe frame is slightly loose, some wear to the upholstery but overall the colours are strong, signs of old worm to the left lion mask and arm, overall ok. Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold View details 408 An early 20th century walnut framed upholstered wingback armchair with padded cushion and knee carved cabriole front legs to ball and claw feet. Auction has ended! Condition ReportWear to the upholstery but pretty solid frame overall. No signs of woodworm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold View details 409 A c.1900 mahogany framed barrel wingback upholstered armchair, with padded cushion and cabriole front legs to pad feet. Auction has ended! Condition ReportThe frame is slightly loose but this is being critical, some wear to the cabriole legs, but overall in good order. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold View details 410 A Victorian gentleman's library chair, the scroll frame and upholstered back and arms and pull forward hinged integral stool raised on ring turned front legs to castors. Auction has ended! Condition ReportDespite both arms having the outer buttons for falling down action, we cannot get the arms to hinge down, the stool is still present, some surface wear but basically in good order. Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold View details 411 WITHDRAWN An early 20th century Continental open armchair, the velvet upholstered padded back and seats flanked by unusual cherubic adorned caryatid front uprights and carved and lobed front legs united by a cross stretcher. Auction has ended! Condition ReportAs you look at the chair, the right hand arm is split near the figural upright but it is a clean break, a couple of minor losses to the raised parts of the woodwork, but overall ok. No repairs. StatusUnsold View details 412 A late Victorian Chesterfield type button upholstered two seater settee raised on ring turned front legs, width 130cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportSolid construction and condition, overall good. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold View details 413 A good c.1900 brown leather button upholstered settee, the shaped back rail above three kelim rug decorated loose cushions and squat block feet to later castors, width 220cm. Auction has ended! Condition ReportFading in parts, some scuffs throughout on the leather but free from tears or rips or repairs. Frame feels slightly loose in construction but no apparent damage to it. Estimate£400 - £600StatusUnsold View details Items per page 122448 Previous|123456789|Next Previous 123456789 Next