The Roger Haynes Collection(#82) 21/11/2014 10:00 AM GMT CLOSED Auction Information Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Textiles Plated Items Lighting Metalware Glass Collectors' Items Garden and Architectural Ceramics Carpets & Rugs Silver Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 337-384 of 416. View Lot 335 A Victorian mahogany framed and gros point needlework upholstered foot stool, the padded top raised on four ring turned tapering supports, height 53cm, width 42cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe frame is in good solid order, some wear to the needlework upholstery and trim commensurate with age. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 336 A 19th century giltwood wall mirror in the George I style, the floral decorated broken swan neck pediment centred with a raised scrolled armorial above rectangular plate with foliate C-scroll decorated borders, height 147cm, width 71cm. Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Condition ReportIn our opinion, we think the mirror dates to around 1850 and shows signs of heavy wear, the pediment has been repaired in times gone by, the gilding has possibly been reapplied at some stage but it is a very dull colour now, the left hand side is missing the tips of all the scrolls which are present on the right hand side and a few chips and knocks commensurate with age. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 337 A pair of late 19th century giltwood framed oval girandoles, each bead decorated frame centred with a scrolling pediment and two scrolling arms supporting acanthus capped sconces, height 80cm, width 47.5cm. Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Condition ReportThese have had some repairs over time, but as they stand there are no moulding sections missing, a couple have been repaired well, a split to one of the girandoles has been repaired, one of the back plates is loose but basically and original pair of mirrors. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 338 A large early 20th century mahogany framed rectangular wall mirror with bevelled plate and reeded broad frame, 136 x 76cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome wear commensurate with age, a few knocks to the timber, but generally in good order. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 339 A 19th century mahogany wall mirror, the breakfront moulded cornice above plain frieze and rectangular plate with ebonised slip flanked by rosewood cast pilasters, 76 x 67.5cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportA few surface knocks commensurate with age, a tiny repaired piece of timber as you are looking at the mirror just above the right hand cut pilaster on the bottom left corner of the moulding, there is a 1 x 1.5cm splice repair, otherwise OK. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 340 A 19th century rectangular wall mirror, the ebonised and gilded frame with rose scrolls to the corners and acanthus capped fluted columns, 96 x 65cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe roses at the top left and right are carved wood, the lower examples are painted and therefore possibly replaced, the gilding and ebonised decoration is not original but has been present for some time, shows general wear and losses to the gilding throughout. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 341 A small late 19th century Gothic wall mirror with arched gilt frame stud decoration and applied scrollwork, 42 x 29cm. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe scrollwork around the base is all but gone, large sections missing, there is some rubbing to the gilding but otherwise OK. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 342 A decorative Gothic pine and painted mirror, the castellated arched top above pierced quatrefoil and domed mirror flanked by twin pairs of pilasters to a stepped rectangular base, height 103cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportAs you look at the mirror, the left castellated section has been broken and repaired, the painting is later, there is wear throughout, chips to the corners etc. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 342A A late 19th/early 20th century painted pine Gothic style mirror with lobed/pointed top and gilt heightened stepped finials, height approx 217cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 343 An Edwardian mahogany and satinwood inlaid shield shaped cheval mirror, the bevelled plate held by square section uprights to square section tapering supports and brass caps and castors, height 164cm. Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Condition ReportGeneral wear and tear top the woodwork, one of the urns has been broken and glued back, as you look at the mirror, the right hand brass clasp at the back is broken where is should hinge, however, it is still present and holds the mirror tightly in place. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 344 An early Victorian mahogany breakfast table, the rounded rectangular hinged top above acanthus carved ring turned central column to quadripartite base with four scrolling claw feet, the top 131 x 112cm. Estimate£100 - £200StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top has faded in parts, there is also a rectangular stain to it, further stains throughout, the top is two pieces but it is a quality piece, the base has a few knocks to the raised parts. View details Estimate£100 - £200StatusUnsold Lot 345 A Victorian walnut and inlaid pier cabinet, the rectangular moulded top above inlaid frieze and glazed door to plinth base, width 79cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome staining throughout, a few knocks and bumps to the raised parts, the top has had a spliced section at the back which has certainly been there either from the time of construction or for a long time. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 346 An early 19th century mahogany and boxwood strung mahogany cellarette, the hinged lid enclosing a sectioned interior flanked by brass carrying handles to a base set with four square section graduated legs, width 39cm, height 68cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportOne of the handles and plates attaching the handle to the cellarette is loose but present, the interior is a later addition as is the stand, but have been together for some time, retains a good colour, general surface wear. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 347 A George III mahogany tilt top occasional table, the dished one-piece top above ring turned central column to three outswept cabriole supports and pad feet, diameter 53cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is of lovely colour, some staining commensurate with age, there are some signs of worm to the block underneath, the central column itself has some old crude repairs but the three legs have not been damaged. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 348 A late George III mahogany occasional table, the rounded rectangular top above ring turned central column to three square section outswept supports and spade feet, the top 47 x 40cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportTop is one piece and of good colour with some light staining and a few knocks commensurate with age. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 349 An early 20th century walnut three tier dumb waiter, the turned central column set with three graduated platforms, each with shaped raised rim with fixed top section and larger graduated spinning sections on three cabriole square section supports to pad feet, height 106cm. Estimate£60 - £100StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top platform shows surface scratches, but overall ok. View details Estimate£60 - £100StatusUnsold Lot 350 An early Victorian mahogany occasional table, the rectangular top with twin rounded flaps above frieze drawer and square section central column to quadripartite base and bun feet, height 70cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportHeavy surface scratches and wear throughout, a bit of veneer missing to the base, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 351 An Edwardian mahogany bowfront side table, the shaped top above single satinwood banded frieze drawer raised on square section tapering legs united by cross stretchers, width 46cm, height 77cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportHeavy wear to the top, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 352 A late George III oak and mahogany crossbanded bowfront hanging corner cupboard, with three internal shelves, height 101cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportA couple of vertical splits to the door, the interior is repainted, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 353 An early 19th century mahogany two section chest of drawers, the rectangular top above two short and three long drawers raised on bracket feet, cut, width 90.5cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe chest has been cut in half at a later period to fit into a property, where this has happened there are losses to the veneer, there are also losses to the veneers in other areas of the side panels, a good colour but surface scratches throughout. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 354 An early Victorian mahogany chiffonier, the arched raised back with single shelf held by turned uprights above a base of two drawers and two cupboard doors flanked by pilaster to square section outsplayed feet, width 100cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportOf good colour, some losses to veneer in parts, the top section os slightly loose, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 355 A 19th century ebonised and boullework inlaid pier cabinet, the rectangular top above decorated frieze and single glazed door enclosing a velvet lined interior flanked by gilt metal mounts to a shaped plinth base, width 82cm, height 112cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere are a few knocks and losses to the edges to the ebonised top, some splits to the tortoiseshell and some old crude repairs, some of the metal mounts are later embellishments, the upright panels either side of the door are missing large sections of the brass detail. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 356 A 19th century Continental mahogany commode, the rectangular top above frieze drawer set with central vacant panel and eight small chevron banded lidded compartments, with three further drawers below, the lowest of which has a satinwood inlaid detail of three cherubic figures, raised on turned feet, width 80cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome staining to the top, a few small splits, overall of good colour, the top drawer should probably have had a rising mirror in the central section which is no longer present, the second and third drawers are very stiff indeed, there are some replaced veneers, the feet are a later replacement. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 357 A late George III mahogany boxwood strung demi-lune card table, the hinged top enclosing a baise playing surface, raised on square section tapering supports, width 91cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is of good colour with a few surface marks noticeably to the right hand side, there is a section of veneer missing, the whole is slightly unsteady when uses as a card table. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 358 An early 20th century mahogany tea table in the George II manner, the hinge shaped rectangular top above knee carved cabriole legs and ball and claw feet, width 85cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is quite heavily worn and has a treacley varnished figure which is cracking, the interior of the tea table has a good colour. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 359 A George III mahogany tea table, the hinged rectangular top raised on chamfered square section supports, width 89cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSurface scratches and wear commensurate with age, table is of solid construction. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 360 An early 19th century mahogany chest of drawers, the rectangular top above two short and two long drawers raised on splayed bracket feet, width 91.5cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportSplits to the top, heavy use throughout, replaced furniture. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 361 An Edwardian mahogany and boxwood strung serpentine sideboard, the shaped top above central frieze drawer and twin tambour cupboard doors flanked by further twin cupboard doors raised on square section tapering legs to spade feet, width 146cm. Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold Condition ReportSings of everyday heavy wear throughout, the two shaped aprons beneath each side cupboard door later modern replacements. View details Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold Lot 362 An early 19th century mahogany and inlaid chest of drawers, the rectangular top above two short and three long graduated drawers raised on ogee bracket feet, width 119cm. Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is badly split, the centre of all the back plates has been removed, some beading missing, bracket feet have been damaged but are present. View details Estimate£70 - £100StatusUnsold Lot 363 An early 20th century walnut and crossbanded chest of drawers, the rectangular moulded top above two short and two long drawers raised on bracket feet, width 81cm. Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold Condition ReportSurface scratches throughout, slightly faded in colour. View details Estimate£80 - £120StatusUnsold Lot 364 An early 19th century mahogany chest of drawers, the moulded rectangular top above two short and three long graduated drawers raised on bracket feet, width 106cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportSplits to top, badly damaged to each side where the carcass has split from underneath, losses to veneer throughout and some old repairs to the drawer fronts with veneers. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 365 A 19th century mahogany small side cabinet, the upper section with twin waterfall style shelves above a base of two cupboard doors above two base drawers raised on ring turned supports, width 61cm, height 123cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome surface wear, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 366 An early Victorian mahogany marble topped chiffonier, the raised back with three stepped shelves held by scrolling supports above a white veined marble top, frieze drawer with Bramah lock and two panelled cupboard doors flanked by fluted uprights to a plinth base, width 97cm. Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSigns of wear throughout but retains good colour, noticeable marks to the plinth base. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Lot 367 An Edwardian mahogany towel rail with pierced end supports and square section block feet, width 70cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome signs of wear but overall in good condition. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 368 A late Victorian mahogany towel rail with fluted side supports and square section outsplayed feet, width 45cm. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportIn rather tired condition, slightly loose in construction and heavily worn. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 369 An early 19th century oak wash stand converted to a glazed small display cabinet with single shelf to the glazed upper section above a base with singe drawer, square section legs and a shaped undertier, height 77cm, width 32cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe stretcher beneath has been broken twice and crudely repaired. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 370 Two early 19th century mahogany square section wash stands, each with single drawer and raised on square section legs, height 66cm and 67cm, both converted. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportBoth are missing sections and have been used as bedside tables. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 371 An Edwardian walnut oval nest of three occasional tables raised on ring turned supports, the largest 52cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe largest is a two-piece top and slightly mismatched in colour, general wear. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 372 An Edwardian mahogany and boxwood strung duet stool with leather upholstered padded seat raised on four square section supports to spade feet, width 76cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome cracking to the leather with is probably a later replacement, some fading to the legs from sunlight, but still a solid stool. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 373 A set of 19th century mahogany and brass mounted wall shelves, the arched back black set with brass mask ornament above three brass capped shaped shelves with turned uprights and swag decoration to the lower section, width 66cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere is a vertical split to the back plate which has gone together tightly, there are four screw holes in the back for hanging it up, it is a good colour and overall in good order. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 374 An Edwardian mahogany and inlaid lap tray with three quarter gallery set with carrying handles raised on four turned supports, width 56cm. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportAppears good with no obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 375 An early Victorian mahogany and rosewood pole screen, the brass tubular support with needlework panel held by rosewood bracket above fluted turned central column to tripartite base and scrolling feet, height 136cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe panel with rosewood cresting is associated, there is a small split to the framework, otherwise appears good with no further obvious signs of faults, damage or restoration. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 376 An oval mahogany occasional table raised on square section tapering legs, width 77cm. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome staining and some light fading to the top. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 377 An early 20th century mahogany set of hanging shelves, the shaped side plates enclosing four shelves, the lowest of which is set with a mother of pearl inlaid drawer, height 85cm, width 39cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe lower drawer is a later addition, overall general signs of wear. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Lot 378 An early 20th century mahogany framed firescreen set with beadwork panel of the royal crest and with square section side supports, height 67.5cm, width 43cm. Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome wear to the beadwork and some panels of beads missing, a stained area lower centre, overall in reasonable order. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Lot 379 An early Victorian rosewood occasional table, the rounded rectangular top raised upon a square section central column to quadripartite base and squat bun feet, height 71cm, width 61cm. Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is a two piece top, some surface scratches throughout, some water staining to the base. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Lot 380 An Edwardian mahogany and satinwood crossbanded and inlaid jardinière stand, the circular top with brass inset jardinière within a pierced framework with gilt spherical swag drops and square section outsplayed tapering feet, height 72cm. Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe top is slightly faded, also a couple of splits to the top, a couple of tiny areas of replaced veneer, some bleaching. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Lot 381 A reproduction mahogany occasional table, the shaped top above turned central column above three outswept supports to pad feet, width 45cm. Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportGeneral wear commensurate with age. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Items per page 122448 Previous|123456789|Next Previous 123456789 Next Previous 123456789 Next