The Roger Haynes Collection(#82) 21/11/2014 10:00 AM GMT CLOSED Auction Information Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Lighting Metalware Glass Collectors' Items Garden and Architectural Ceramics Carpets & Rugs Silver Textiles Plated Items Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 145-192 of 416. View Lot 145 An oval Edwardian silver plated biscuit barrel with hinged lid, engraved initials to the front and on pierced circular base to three ball and claw feet, height 19cm and a similar oval example with rosebud finial, height 18.5cm (2). View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportBoth have been slightly compressed to the foot rims, general surface wear, overall in good order. Lot 146 A pair of early 20th century silver plated bottle frames with grape and vine borders, pierced foliate swag decorated frames and simple circular feet, diameter 19.5cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome wear but basically on good order. Lot 147 A pair of silver plate on copper candlesticks, with panelled square section central columns to spreading oval feet, height 32.5cm, a single silver plate on copper loaded telescopic candlestick, height 20.5cm and six circular silver plated plates, diameter 23cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportHeavy wear to all three candlesticks, knife marks and surface scratches to the plates. Lot 148 A silver plated salver with gadrooned border and engraved central panel inscribed ''Presented to ''H.Q.No.62 (S) Group Royal Air Force by B.C. Yardey, 5th September 1953 - 23rd September 1954'', diameter 31cm, also a late Victorian silver plated bottle frame with shield shaped plaque inscribed ''Mr Walter Hobson with every good wish from W.A.H. & J.S. Oct 22nd 1896'', height 15.5cm (2). View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome surface wear but overall in good condition. Lot 149 A set of twelve French Limoges porcelain coffee cans housed in plated holders with scrolling handles and bead decorated saucers, diameter of saucers 12.25cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportNo damage to the porcelain, a few minor surface scratches to saucers. Lot 150 A cased set of six Harrods silver plated pickle forks, each stamped Harrods A1, length of forks 14cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportA few knocks to the box but overall in good order. Lot 151 A ten setting canteen of community plated cutlery comprising large knives, knives, large side forks, dessert forks, dessert spoons, soup spoons, teaspoons, also a butter knife and a pair of preserve spoons, also ten near matching large forks and large knives. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThis has been a canteen used on a regular basis and therefore shows wear throughout. Lot 152 A quantity of silver plate including a twin handled tea tray, an oval tea caddy, a teapot stand, sauce boat, six various mugs, fish servers, a pair of pierced wirework baskets, a glass bodied caster and a small basket. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportHeavy wear throughout. Lot 153 A contemporary Aurum hallmarked silver commemorative goblet ''Made by order of the Dean and Chapter to commemorate the 7th Centenary in 1980 of the completion of Lincoln Cathedral'', no.126, Hector Miller, London 1980, height 16.25cm, approx 10.6ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome surface scratches to the exterior, otherwise OK. Lot 154 A contemporary Aurum hallmarked silver commemorative goblet ''To Commemorate The Work of Bishops Bronescombe & Quinil in The Creation of Exeter Cathedral, 54 of a limited edition of 500 produced by order of the Dean and Chapter in 1980'', Hector Miller, London 1980, height 16.5cm, approx 9.5ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome surface scratches as the goblet was used, overall ok. Lot 155 A contemporary Aurum hallmarked silver commemorative goblet ''Made by order of the Dean and Chapter to commemorate the 9th Centenary of Winchester Cathedral in 1979'', no.523, Hector MIller, London 1979, height 16.5cm, approx 13ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome exterior surface scratches but overall in good order. Lot 156 A contemporary Aurum hallmarked silver commemorative goblet ''Made by order of the Dean & Chapter of Westminster to commemorate the Silver Jubilee in 1977 of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II'', no.272, Aurum, London 1977, height 18.5cm, approx 14.1ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome surface scratches to the exterior, otherwise ok. Lot 157 An early Victorian hallmarked silver salver, the stepped shell and scroll decorated border centred with a crest within a floral engraved panel, Daniel and Charles Houle, London 1852, diameter 27cm, approx 16ozt. View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Condition ReportA few surface scratches and the central crest is slightly warn, good clear hallmarks, one of the feet is slightly dented, otherwise good. Lot 158 A George III hallmarked silver three piece tea service of rounded rectangular form, each piece engraved with a crest of a bird beneath a flag, London 1914 and 1915, teapot length 27.5cm, combined approx 32ozt. View details Estimate£250 - £350StatusUnsold Condition ReportAll three are in rather tired order, a couple of small splits and compression to the tip of the teapot, dents and surface scratches throughout, signs of heavy use throughout. Lot 159 A George III hallmarked silver oval teapot stand with reeded border and engraved decoration, Peter, Ann & William Bateman, London 1799, length 16cm, approx 3.75ozt. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportA few surface scratches, good clear marks. Lot 160 A pair of George VI hallmarked silver mounted hobnail cut glass small decanters, each with hinged lid with pierced scrolling thumbpiece above angled handle and slightly compressed oval hobnail cut bodies, Aitkin Brothers, 1952 and 1953, height of each approx 20cm. View details Estimate£200 - £300StatusUnsold Condition ReportBoth in good condition, very minor surface wear. Lot 161 A George V hallmarked silver bachelor's three piece tea service, comprising teapot and hot water pot, both with flaming torch finial above rattan covered handle and spreading circular foot, height 16cm and 16.5cm , combined weight approx 12.3ozt and a small bowl, diameter 7cm, marks for Birmingham 1931. View details Estimate£150 - £200StatusUnsold Condition ReportTeapot: Slight misshaping to the spout and also the finial has been repaired, otherwise general surface wear. Hot water pot: finial is slightly misshapen, light surface scratches. Pot: shows signs of wear. Lot 162 No lot. View details StatusUnsold Lot 163 A George V hallmarked silver teapot stand of rounded rectangular form, Chester 1924, length 15cm, approx 4.85ozt. View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportVery slightly out of shape, hallmarks slightly rubbed. Lot 164 An Edwardian hallmarked silver capstan type inkwell of small proportions with loaded circular base, Birmingham 1908, diameter 8.75cm, a loaded George V hallmarked silver ashtray of circular form, Birmingham 1922, diameter 10cm, a hallmarked silver egg cup, London 1831 and a glass beaker in an associated hallmarked silver stand, Birmingham 1906 (4). View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportInkstand has a few pin head sized marks but overall in good order, the ashtray is badly damaged, the egg cup is slightly misshapen, the other piece shows signs of wear. Lot 165 A pair of George V hallmarked silver loaded trumpet vases, James Deakin & Sons, Sheffield 1918, height 18cm, a pair of George V hallmarked silver brushes, each engraved with the initial ''E'', Birmingham 1920 and a steel shoe horn with tortoiseshell handle and pique decoration (5). View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe trumpet shaped vases have dents and knocks noticeably to the bodies and misshapen rims, slightly misshapen to the feet, heavy rusting to the shoehorn and a couple of knocks to the brushes. Lot 166 A cut glass hallmarked silver mounted sugar caster, with lift-off embossed lid and ribbed main body, London 1898, a cut glass pepper pot with associated silver cap and a cut glass and white metal mounted pepper grinder (3). View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe sugar caster has a badly chipped and damaged foot, wear throughout, slightly compressed finial. The pepper has a few small chips to the body and the lid is associated. Pepper grinder has a few knocks but overall ok. Lot 167 A collection of various glass and hallmarked silver mounted jars including a pair of demi-lune jars, a caster and the base of an atomiser, various hallmarks (8). View details Estimate£50 - £80StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe atomiser bubble is missing, but otherwise a few knocks and bruises but overall ok. Lot 168 A cased set of six George V hallmarked silver napkin rings, each with castellated rims and foliate engraved borders centred with a vignette inscribed with the initial ''R'', Rolason Bros, Birmingham 1912, combined approx 6ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150StatusUnsold Condition ReportSolid gauge, in good condition. Lot 169 Two hallmarked silver napkin rings contained in a double napkin ring box, Birmingham 1894 and Birmingham 1899, combined approx 1.6ozt. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportGeneral wear. Lot 170 An Edwardian hallmarked silver card box, the hinged lid with glass cover and on stepped base, Birmingham 1903, length 10cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere is a small split to the lid, slightly misshapen and rather untidy throughout. Beneath the glass cover is a later card now in place which is loose, hallmarks slightly rubbed to the lid but clear to the base, a few dents and knocks throughout. Lot 171 A George V hallmarked silver mounted ivory capped and glass bodied oval toilet jar, the lid set with the initials ''EVW'', together with two hand mirrors and a brush (4). View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome wear to the ivory cap and silver mounts, and a tiny chip to the glass body, the other three pieces show signs of general wear. Lot 172 A boxed set of Edward VIII hallmarked silver teaspoons, Barker Brothers Silver Ltd, Birmingham 1936, approx 2ozt, a set of six hallmarked silver plated teaspoons with matching sugar tongs and a cased set of six silver sheath handled fruit knives, Sheffield 1931. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportLight wear throughout. Lot 173 An early 19th century white metal and baline wrythen twisted handled toddy ladle, the bowl centred with a coin and with bead decorated border, unmarked, length 37cm and a further baline handled white metal sifting spoon, unmarked, length 30cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe toddy ladle is in reasonable order, slight wear to the bowl, a couple of tiny dents, otherwise OK. The second is in very poor condition. Lot 174 A set of six Victorian hallmarked silver fiddle and thread pattern teaspoons, the handles engraved with armorial and inscribed ''Ready'', London 1850, length 14.7cm, approx 6ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSigns of light wear, a few surface scratches but crisp hallmarks, overall good. Lot 175 An Edwardian hallmarked silver sovereign case with ring loop attachment with hinged cover with engraved initials and a spring loaded interior, Birmingham 1905, diameter 3.2cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportA few dents to the reverse, a couple of pin head sized dents to the front, the hinge is in good order, signs of rust to the interior. Lot 176 An Edwardian hallmarked silver novelty pepper with embossed detail of a moustachioed gentleman, raised on loaded circular base, William Hutton & Sons, Sheffield 1905, height 7.5cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe cover and base are hallmarked , there are two dents to the lower section, a couple of tiny dents to the lid, slightly out of shape to the base. Lot 177 A Victorian hallmarked silver vesta of compressed ovoid form with hinged lid, gilt washed interior and striking section to the base, Dublin 1876, height 17cm, approx 2ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe lid is slightly tight in closing, a few surface scratches but otherwise OK. Lot 178 A 19th century white metal thimble box in the form of an acorn, with screw thread and engraved detail throughout, unmarked, height approx 5cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportTotally unmarked, the screw thread is good and tight fitting, there doesn't seem to be any signs of interior to have a platform to say it has been altered from a nutmeg grater. Lot 179 An Elizabeth II hallmarked silver fronted wooden backed timepiece with oval dial set with Roman numerals inscribed ''R.Carr'', the back plate inscribed ''In Appreciation from Crowle Masonic Lodges'', with battery movement, Sheffield 1989, height 17.5cm. View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere is a dent to the front approx 1cm, various other pin head sized marks and dents throughout. Lot 180 An Elizabeth II hallmarked silver photograph frame, the cherubic embossed front on velvet back with heart shaped aperture, London 1986, height 20cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportVery slight surface wear but overall in good order. Lot 181 A George V hallmarked silver fronted and oak backed photograph frame with shaped case and oval aperture, Birmingham 1919, height 16.5cm, also two silver plated photograph frames (3). View details Estimate£20 - £40StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere are quite a few pin head sized holes and knocks to the silver frame, also a split to the oak, the other two frames are ok. Lot 182 A George V hallmarked silver oak backed photograph frame of simple rectangular form, Birmingham 1924, height 24.5cm and a further silver fronted oak backed photograph frame, Birmingham 1923, height 17.5cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe plain oak frame is slightly misshaped to the frame, has a few pin head sized holes, the other frame has a few surface marks but OK. Lot 183 A late Victorian hallmarked silver embossed photograph frame with foliate scroll and figural embossed facade and leather mounted back with later hinged easel support, Birmingham 1900, height 24cm and an Edwardian embossed hallmarked silver photograph frame with leather hinged back, Birmingham 1908, 22.5cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60StatusUnsold Condition ReportLate Victorian frame has a few holes to the raised parts, the easel back is a replacement, heavy wear throughout. The Edwardian frame has a few losses to the edges of the silver and heavy wear throughout. Lot 184 An unusual 19th century porcelain character mask ink pot modelled as Napoleon, height 9.75cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome rubbing to the paintwork to the hat and his nose. Lot 185 An unusual 19th century pottery character mask ink pot modelled as a preacher, height 7.5cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThere is a 1.5cm x 6mm chip to the base rim around the back and heavy crazing throughout. Lot 186 An unusual 19th century character mask ink pot, modelled as a face with laurel wreath band, length 6.5cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportRubbing to the nose and minor chips to the raised areas, fine cracks to the base and crazing throughout. Lot 187 An unusual 19th century porcelain character mask ink pot modelled as a figure wearing a head scarf, height 8cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome rubbing to the raised parts, a small chip to the lower lip, general wear throughout. Lot 188 An unusual 19th century character mask ink pot, modelled as an old woman wearing pink bonnet, height 6cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportSome rubbing to the raised parts and a couple of minor tiny chips to the foot rim. Lot 189 Two similar 19th century ink pots modelled as shoes, one in mottled tortoiseshell glaze, the second in a black glaze. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe tortoiseshell glazed example has three chips around the base rim and a blemish to the side, the black example has a large chip to the front and various surface scratches. Shoe sizes - lengths: 11.25cm and 10.5cm. Lot 190 A pair of 19th century Staffordshire inkwells, each modelled as a poodle with paw upon on a rectangular plinth with seated cat beside the aperture for the pen, above cobalt blue gilt heightened rectangular bases, height 9.75cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportChips to the cats ears, both with crazing throughout, a few chips around the base and one with a crack running around the base, rubbing to the gilding, a few paint losses. Lot 191 A 19th century Staffordshire inkwell modelled as a bird seated upon a nest beside a caterpillar with textured circular body, height 6cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportRubbing to the gilding and some crazing, otherwise OK. Lot 192 A treacle glazed domed stoneware inkwell stamped ''Patent Applied For'', also a drum shaped inkwell with central tapering aperture, and three further apertures to the rims, both height approx 5cm. View details Estimate£30 - £50StatusUnsold Condition ReportThe treacle glazed example has some surface scratches and a couple of blemishes, the drum shaped example has a slither chip around the foot of about 4cm, more small chips to the upper rim and surface wear. Items per page 122448 Previous|123456789|Next Previous 123456789 Next Previous 123456789 Next