Two Day Sale of Antiques & Fine Art(#75) 30/10/2014 10:00 AM GMT CLOSED Auction Information Advanced Search ▼ Items per page 122448 Advanced Search Sort by DefaultTime LeftLot#Lot NameNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViews Filter By Categories Decorative Arts Ephemera Sporting Glass Carpets & Rugs Studio Glass Coins Textiles Doulton Garden and Architectural Metalware Silver Toys & Games: Toys Beswick Lighting Musical Instruments & Mechanical Music Plated Items Collectors' Items Ceramics Books Scientific Instruments Pictures: Prints, Etchings, Engravings & Maps Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Featured Exclude closed lots Price Auctioneer All auctioneersLiverpooltest Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1009-1056 of 2233. View Lot 1070 An Edwardian hallmarked silver circular bowl with shaped rim, Sheffield 1902 and a hallmarked silver wooden handled lidded jug, Sheffield 1916 (lacking finial), combined weight approx 10.6ozt (2). View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Lot 1071 A late Victorian hallmarked silver pedestal bowl with embossed foliate swag band above gadrooned lower section and spreading circular foot, inscribed ''To Major Harry R. Parkes, a token of regard & esteem from his co-workers at The Sessions House on the occasion of his retirement form the position of Military Representative Liverpool 5th December 1917'', London 1896, diameter 21cm, approx 16.75ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£140StatusCLOSED Lot 1072 An Elizabeth II hallmarked silver quaich, Birmingham 1951, width 12cm, approx 3.8ozt. View details Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSurface dirt but in good condition. Lot 1073 A large Victorian hallmarked silver circular bowl with swag decoration and loop handles, Hawksworth, Uire & Co, Sheffield 1901, depth 17cm, diameter 25cm, approx 18ozt. View details Estimate£250 - £300StatusUnsold Lot 1074 A Victorian hallmarked silver circular bowl with a pierced frieze decorated floral swag, with fluted bottom raised on three scroll and leaf feet, George Nathan and Ridley Hayes, Chester 1898, diameter 12.5cm, and an Edward VII hallmarked silver hexagonal basket with pierced scroll design, raised on a circular foot (handles missing), London 1903, width 12cm, combined approx 8.89ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 1075 A George VI hallmarked silver dish in the form of a stylised flower raised on four ball feet, Roberts & Belk, Sheffield 1945, and a Edward VII hallmarked silver bowl of plain design with crimped rim, inscribed with crossed golf clubs, James Dixon & Sons, Sheffield 1906, combined silver weight approx 12.06ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £90Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Lot 1076 A set of six Elizabeth II hallmarked silver goblets, Birmingham 1967, height 11.5cm, combined 26ozt. View details Estimate£300 - £500Winning Bid£340StatusCLOSED Lot 1077 An Elizabeth II hallmarked silver commemorative goblet, Birmingham 1971, height 11cm, approx 4.75ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 1078 A Victorian hallmarked silver goblet with engine turned decoration to the bowl beneath a floral border around an oval cartouche inscribed ''Macclesfield Kings School Table Tennis Tournament ''Booth'' Cup'', with beaded foot rim and knopped stem, London 1873, height 17.5cm, approx 5.67ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£250StatusCLOSED Lot 1079 A Victorian hallmarked silver ribbed christening cup with initials WAM, London 1842, height 9cm, approx 5.41ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Lot 1080 An early 20th century hallmarked silver epergne with loaded base, central trumpet vase and four further trumpet vases (four missing), with presentation inscription to base ''Presented to Father and Mother on their Gold Wedding from their children'', William Hutton & Sons, Birmingham, date letter rubbed, height 24cm. View details Estimate£80 - £120Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 1081 A pair of George V hallmarked silver sauce boats, Sheffield 1936, each length 15cm, combined approx 6ozt. View details Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 1082 An Elizabeth II hallmarked silver sparrow beak jug with double C scroll handle, Sheffield 1968, a George V hallmarked silver hair tidy of ovoid form with lift off lid with central cut away aperture, Birmingham 1920, a small silver baluster pepper (combined approx 9.1ozt), and a pair of cut glass silver mounted scent bottles (5). View details Estimate£100 - £200Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 1083 A Victorian hallmarked silver milk jug with embossed foliate scrolls and presentation inscription, George Unite, Birmingham 1870, height 8cm, a pair of silver open salts, a silver napkin ring and a set of six plated apostle spoons, weighable silver approx 3.54ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £80Winning Bid£60StatusCLOSED Lot 1084 Asprey & Co: a pair of Edwardian hallmarked silver sauce boats each with bead decorated rim, engraved armorial and three paw supports, Asprey & Co, Birmingham 1907, length 16.5cm, approx 13ozt. View details Estimate£100 - £150Winning Bid£150StatusCLOSED Lot 1085 An early Victorian hallmarked silver milk jug of panelled circular form with gilt washed interior and scrolling loop handle engraved with initials to one side, London 1840, length 16cm, approx 5.5ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£95StatusCLOSED Lot 1086 A George III hallmarked silver and later embossed cream jug with angled handle, London 1809, length 17cm, approx 6.35ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 1087 A George V hallmarked silver Art Deco four piece cruet comprising pair of peppers and pair of open salts with blue glass liners, Birmingham 1934, approx 4.19ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 1088 A Victorian hallmarked silver pepper with embossed decoration, William Comyns, London 1883, approx 0.5ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Lot 1089 *Amended Estimate* A set of Victorian hallmarked silver salts with foliate scroll decoration and engraved cartouches, James Wooding, 1891, London, approx 3ozt. View details Estimate£60 - £100Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED Lot 1090 A boxed George V hallmarked silver cruet set, Fattorini & Son, Birmingham 1919. View details Estimate£60 - £90Winning Bid£120StatusCLOSED Lot 1091 A quantity of mixed silver including a three piece cruet set, two glass silver mounted scent bottles, two salts, six matched small spoons with gilt washed bowls, three salt spoons, a fork and a glass mounted silver bodied scoop, various hallmarks. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 1092 A pair of George III hallmarked silver boat shaped salts with blue glass liners, London 1794, with two associated Georgian cruet spoons. View details Estimate£50 - £70Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 1093 A cased Elizabeth II hallmarked silver three piece cruet set with two associated spoons, Birmingham 1955, silver weight approx 3.8ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 1094 A Victorian hallmarked silver oval mustard with shell thumbpiece, embossed decoration and blue glass liner, Birmingham 1893, length 8cm, with a hallmarked silver spoon, Sheffield 1953, weighable silver approx 2ozt. View details Estimate£20 - £30Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe finial on the mustard is slightly misshapen, the marks are extremely rubbed but the date letter is clear on the underside of the hinged lid. Lot 1095 A George V hallmarked silver six division toast rack on faceted feet, Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1912, length 13.5cm, approx 6ozt. View details Estimate£70 - £100Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportGenerally in good condition. Lot 1096 A George V hallmarked silver four division toast rack, Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1925, and a pair of hallmarked silver clothes brushes, hallmarks indistinct, approx 2.5ozt (3). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 1097 A Victorian hallmarked silver wirework six division toast rack with ring handle and paw feet, Sheffield 1893, length 15cm, approx 4.5ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 1098 A Victorian hallmarked silver six section toast rack, raised on four ball feet, Fenton Brothers Ltd, Sheffield 1898, length 12cm, approx 3.7ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £40Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 1099 A George VI hallmarked silver strainer and bowl, Birmingham 1944, a Chinese silver tea strainer and a Continental silver sugar sifter, combined approx 5.3ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 1100 An Edwardian hallmarked silver cylindrical tea caddy, Birmingham 1906, height 8cm, and a George V hallmarked silver caddy spoon, Sheffield 1911, combined approx 2ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£70StatusCLOSED Lot 1101 An Edward VII hallmarked silver oval tea canister embossed to the body with figures in a continuous village scene, Nathan & Hayes, Chester 1906, height 8.5cm, approx 2.86ozt. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportOver cleaned so thinning silver and decoration has lost much of its crispness, one of the figures has two little holes where the silver has worn through and just beneath on the foot rim, the canister has taken a bit of an impact and as such there is a dent, a few minor dents elsewhere. Lot 1102 Four various hallmarked silver napkin rings and three plated examples, silver weight approx 3.1ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 1103 A pair of George VI hallmarked silver rectangular napkin rings with engine turned decoration and vacant rectangular cartouches, Birmingham 1940, approx 1.47ozt, cased and a pair of moulded opaque glass lattice work bowls. View details Estimate£25 - £30Winning Bid£55StatusCLOSED Lot 1104 A pair of George V hallmarked silver napkin rings with engine turned decoration and vacant circular cartouches, Chester 1934, approx 1.09ozt. View details Estimate£20 - £30Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Lot 1105 A baby's hallmarked silver pusher and spoon decorated with teddy bears and two silver napkin rings, combined approx 2.25ozt (4). View details Estimate£30 - £40Winning Bid£30StatusCLOSED Lot 1106 An early Victorian hallmarked silver christening cup engraved with foliate sprays throughout, London 1850 (af), a silver plated oval biscuit barrel and cover, a silver plated sugar caster and a plated bottle coaster (4). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£40StatusCLOSED Condition ReportThe christening cup has had the handled broken, repaired and is in need of extensive repair again, solder marks inside to three of the circular panels. Lot 1107 A boxed Elizabeth II hallmarked silver christening set comprising egg cup and spoon, Birmingham 1967, and two silver souvenir spoons, one with enamel decorated finial ''Landing Stage Liverpool'', Sheffield 1906 and Birmingham 1963, approx 1.8ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£50StatusCLOSED Lot 1108 A Victorian hallmarked silver christening cup with engraved decoration and presentation to ''Louisa Theodora'', Exeter 1880, and a similar smaller example with engraved initials, Sheffield 1902, combined approx 8.6ozt (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£80StatusCLOSED Lot 1109 A George III hallmarked silver gilt baby's rattle with two rows of bells and coral teether, London 1811, length 15.5cm. View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£320StatusCLOSED Condition ReportOne of the bell drops is missing, there are dents to several of the others, however, overall in a good condition, makers mark MC, retains gilding and has no signs of repair or restoration. Lot 1110 An Edward VII hallmarked silver vesta case with scrolled foliate design and vacant circular cartouche, Williams Ltd, Birmingham 1909, a George V hallmarked silver smaller example of similar design, William Henry Sparrow, Birmingham 1921, and an electroplated example in the shape of a horse's hoof inscribed ''WR Adams'', combined silver weight approx 1.37ozt (3). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£85StatusCLOSED Lot 1111 A George hallmarked silver circular ashtray with engine turned decoration to rim and monogram in centre, Walker & Hall, Sheffield 1926, diameter 13.5cm, a cased pair of Victorian hallmarked silver knife rests, Hilliard & Thomason, Birmingham 1893, and an Edward VII hallmarked silver vesta with scrolling foliate design and vacant shield shaped cartouche, Robert Chandler, Birmingham 1903, combined approx 5.06ozt. View details Estimate£50 - £80Winning Bid£75StatusCLOSED Lot 1112 A George V hallmarked silver rectangular cigarette case with engine turned decoration, gilt washed interior and with monogram, Herbert Bushell & Son, Birmingham 1931, approx 5.74ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£45StatusCLOSED Lot 1113 Three hallmarked silver rectangular vesta cases, each with engraved detail and vacant cartouches, also a cased pair of silver backed brushes with comb, various hallmarks. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£100StatusCLOSED Lot 1114 Two early 20th century hallmarked silver cigarette cases (one af), and a 935 grade sterling silver cigarette case with engine turned decoration and sliding top, combined approx 9.9ozt (3). View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 1115 An Edwardian hallmarked silver cigar box of rounded rectangular form with textured body and vacant central cartouche, Birmingham 1904, 14 x 9cm, approx 5.3ozt, and a silver and sandalwood lined base metal bottomed cigarette box, Birmingham 1918, length 18cm, width 9.25cm (2). View details Estimate£40 - £60Winning Bid£90StatusCLOSED Lot 1116 A Russian 88 standard silver cigarette case with silver gilt interior and champlevé enamel Persian style decoration to the exterior, assayer Nicolay Nikolayevich Korbitsky, 1886, length 10.5cm, approx 4.26ozt. View details Estimate£500 - £700Winning Bid£820StatusCLOSED Condition ReportAll wires and compartments of cloisonné sound, hinge solid, opening spring good. Lot 1117 A Victorian hallmarked silver scissor action cheroot piercer, Birmingham 1899, length 6cm, approx 0.74ozt. View details Estimate£30 - £50Winning Bid£65StatusCLOSED Condition ReportSlight scuffs and signs of wear. 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